thirteen, perkins and kyles

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RORY LET THE rest of weekend pass by as normal, which included doing her homework in the last burst of autumn sunshine. On Sunday, Harry watched from afar as she seemed to gaze over at Elio every so often. Her eyes met her cousin's when they could, but all they could exchange were odd looks. Rory just sighed, picking up the rest of her books to go inside.

On Monday morning, Rory opened the door to see Ron and Harry sliding down the stairs that led to the dormitories. Hermione rolled her eyes, however, taking ahold of her bag and Rory's arm. They slid down the slide together, landing on the rug gracefully. Once they got to their feet, all Ron said was, "You need to look at this!"

Rory and Hermione's eyes slid down to where a new notice lay from Umbridge. The blonde read over it quickly before her expression turned stony. Steam was practically coming out of Ron's ears as he said, "Someone must have told her!"

"They can't have done," Hermione responded, but Ron only scoffed, "You're so naive. You think just because you're all honorable and trustworthy —"

Rory cut him off, "No. It's not possible for someone to have told her because we would have known. Hermione and I jinxed the parchment we signed in case something like this were to happen." And Hermione simply nodded in agreement, "Believe me, if anyone's run off and told Umbridge, we'll know exactly who they are and they will really regret it."

"What'll happen to them?" Ron questioned eagerly, and Hermione shrugged, "Well, put it this way, it'll make Eloise Midgen's acne look like a couple of cute freckles. Come on, let's get down to breakfast and see what the others . . . I wonder whether this has been put up in all the houses?"


During breakfast, Harry and Ron had been whisked away by Angelina Johnson, allowing Hermione and Rory to be bombarded with questions. After that, they made there way to History of Magic where Rory listened to what Professor Binns droned on about. As she colored in her notebook, she caught a glimpse of something white and something amber colored. When Rory shifted her gaze over towards the window, she noticed Artemis and Hedwig, Harry's owl, staring back at her. All she could do was gently nudge Harry in the ribs, "Hey, Harry?"

"Yeah, Ro?"

She simply pointed towards the window, bringing the perched owls to his attention. Artemis seemed to gaze through the thick pane at Rory, while Hedwig did the same to Harry, and they both had letters tied onto their legs. It confused Rory; they just had breakfast half an hour ago . . . why hadn't Artemis delivered the letter then, as usual? They weren't the only ones who noticed, though, many of their other classmates pointed the owls out to each other too.

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