twenty, la saint-valentin

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The figure of a young Sirius sat beside Iris Black. In her arms was a baby, wrapped tightly in a pink blanket and wearing a white knitted hat. Iris stared down at the infant lovingly while Sirius played with her tiny hand, "She's got your eyes, Ris."

"But she's got your smile."

"And probably James's mischief."

"And Remus's kindness."

The two shared a laugh, and Sirius wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "She deserves a name that's just as beautiful as her." And Iris nodded, "I'm still fond of Eris. I know it's similar to my name, but we could call her Era."

"What about the name Elara, but we call her Ara?"

Iris ran a finger along her daughter's face, "Maybe. . . . Merlin, this is difficult. I knew we were going to have to name her at some point, but I guess I thought it would be easier than this. Are there any middle names you like, Sirius?" And he nodded, "How about Daphne? It's from Greek Mythology."

"The Greengrass' named their daughter Daphne, but I really do like that name," Iris said, sighing quietly as she glanced down at the infant in her arms again. "So we either have an Eris Daphne Black, or an Elara Daphne Black."

"You'd be right."

Iris exhaled softly, "Maybe we should invite a few round and ask their opinions. They could meet her and we can name her. Send an owl to Lily, James, and Remus? No offense, but I'm not too keen on Peter."

"Neither are James and I. Remus, maybe —"

"Oh! And tell Lily and James to bring Harry with them, so he can meet her."

"Iris, Harry's only two weeks old. It's not like either of them will remember —"

"Sirius, tell them to bring Harry."

"Yes, darling."


Even as an infant, Elara Daphne Black gave her parents a run for their money. And quite literally, too. The girl started walking at the age of nine months, running not soon after. Iris and Sirius would take turns chasing her around the house, not able to keep up with her quick and nimble body.

It was also then when they realized how unique their daughter was to the average wizard's child. Sure, she had the slip-ups of accidental magic here and there, but Ara would apparate and disapparate within the realms of the Black's home. This gave her parents great anxiety, especially when they would be playing with her and she would just disappear into thin air.

Iris and Sirius tried desperately to find other magical children Ara's age, but none of their friends seemed interested in having kids that early in their lives. They were thankful for Lily and James though, because they knew Ara would always have one friend her age, and that was Harry.

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