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THEY ALL FOLLOWED Professor McGonagall through the portrait hole and into the moonlit corridor. Rory looked over to Harry hesitantly, but he seemed to have already been staring at her, panic written across his face.

Oh, how Rory wished she could go back to the Room of Requirement, worrying about nothing but kissing Harry. Instead, they passed by a hissing Mrs. Norris, who Professor McGonagall shooed off in a matter of seconds.

Once they reached the stone gargoyle guarding Dumbledore's office, Professor McGonagall spoke the password and they were let behind the stone wall. Behind it was a stone staircase that moved continuously upward. All four of them stepped on, and the wall closed with a loud thud. They kept moving upward until they reached a polished oak door with a griffin shaped brass knocker.

Though Rory knew it was well past midnight, she could've sworn her ears were playing tricks on her when she heard at least a dozen voices from behind the door. However, when Professor McGonagall rapped on the door with the griffin knocker, the voices ceased abruptly and the door opened on its own.

The deputy headmistress led the Gryffindors inside, and the interior looked just how Rory remembered it had the last time. Dumbledore was sitting in the chair behind his desk when he realized who had just walked in. With what sounded like a sigh of relief, he said, "Oh, it's you, Professor McGonagall . . . and . . . ah."

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, "Professor Dumbledore, Potter and Kennedy have had a . . . well, a nightmare. They say . . ."

"It wasn't a nightmare," Harry and Rory detested quickly, and Professor McGonagall frowned slightly, "Very well, then, Potter, you tell the headmaster about it, then you as well, Kennedy."

"I . . . well, I was asleep. . . ." The terror in Harry's voice was very much evident, but all Dumbledore did was look down at his interlocked fingers. "But it wasn't an ordinary dream . . . it was real. . . . I saw it happen. . . . Ron's dad — Mr. Weasley — has been attacked by a giant snake."

Professor McGonagall nudged Rory after Harry had finished and she nervously added on, "I saw it happen too. But I think I was Ron's dad as the attack happened."

There was a long pause before Dumbledore asked Harry, "How did you see this?" And Harry became rather angry, "Well . . . I don't know. Inside my head, I suppose —"

"You misunderstand me," Dumbledore's tone remained calm and steady. "I mean . . . can you remember — er — where you were positioned as you watched this attack happen? Were you perhaps standing beside the victim, or else looking down on the scene from above?"

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