fourteen, the room where it happens

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"UMBRIDGE HAS BEEN reading your mail, Harry, Rory. There's no other explanation."

"You think she attacked Artemis and Hedwig?" Rory questioned Hermione, and Harry looked outraged. The brunette witch nodded grimly, "I'm almost certain of it. Watch your frog, Harry, it's escaping."

They were in Charms at the time of their conversation, and Hermione insisted they spoke about the previous night's events. When Rory was about to tell Hermione the obvious fact, that they could be heard by their fellow classmates and professor, Hermione simply laughed. In her words exactly, "Rory, there's no need to worry about being overheard. Everyone's too busy doing their own work, and making a lot of movement, that they wouldn't even bother to listen to what we say. Besides, Professor Flitwick is pretty much deaf, so we also have that going for us, too."

And in today's case, the classroom was full of croaking bullfrogs, cawing ravens, and confused students. It also helped that a heavy downpour pounded against the glass windows, ensuring more privacy. So, all in all, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Rory's whispered discussion about Umbridge nearly catching Sirius went unnoticed.

"I've been suspecting this ever since Filch accused you of ordering Dungbombs, because it seemed such a stupid lie," Hermione continued on with, being careful to still whisper. "I mean, once your letter had been read, it would have been quite clear you weren't ordering them, so you wouldn't have been in trouble at all — it's a bit of a feeble joke, isn't it? But then I thought, what if somebody just wanted an excuse to read your mail? Well then, it would be a perfect way for Umbridge to manage it — tip off Filch, let him do the dirty work and confiscate the letter, then either find a way of stealing it from him or else demand to see it — I don't think Filch would object, when's he ever stuck up for a student's right? Harry, you're squashing you're frog."

Rory glanced down to her boyfriend's — No, they still hadn't ever talked about what they were. There was no denying the fact that they both liked each other, and they held hands, and even kissed, but they still hadn't put a label on their relationship.

The blonde spun her wand impatiently in her fingers, "Last night was a close call. I just wonder if Umbridge knows how close she was, and if she'll even bring it up to — Silencio!" Rory's frog fell silent mid-croak and flared up at her reproachfully. "If she'd actually have caught him . . ."

"He'd probably be back in Azkaban this morning," Harry finished for her. His frog let out a deafening screech and he waved his wand at it, not concentrating on the spell. Instead of quieting the amphibian, Harry only made it emit another loud whistle. Rory pointed her wand at it and it was immediately shut up. Hermione sighed from beside her, "Well, he mustn't do it again, that's all. I just don't know how we're going to let him know. We can't send him an owl."

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