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"It's a girl!" The nurse says and I breathe out and smile. I feel Louis squeeze my hand and I close my eyes. My first baby and it's a girl.

I open my eyes tiredly and see the little girl, who is now crying, being cleaned up by the nurses.

"Would you like to hold her?" They ask me and I nod. They hand me the wrapped up bundle and I look into the blue eyed baby. I feel Louis sit on the bed next to me and we look at our creation together.

"We are going to get her cleaned up and check up on her to make sure she is healthy," the nurse tells me softly and I place a kiss to her head before I hand her to the nurse.

The nurses leave Louis and I alone in the room and I turn to him with a smile. "Finally," I breathe out and he leans in and places a kiss to my lips.

He pulls away and rests our foreheads together. "I really want to take a nap right now," I mutter tiredly and he nods. "Um, I just remembered something. We kind of need a name for her," Louis says and I laugh. "Oh yeah," I say and Louis smiles.

"Anna?" I ask Louis and he scrunched up his nose. "Ew, sorry but there's a girl who wrote a book about Harry and it's as dirty as 50 Shades of Grey and her name is Anna," he explains and I laugh.

"Poor Harry," I giggle. "Sam?" He suggests and I shake my head. "Doesn't sound right for her," I say and he sighs. "We should have thought about this earlier," he mutters and I shake my head. "We are too lazy," I joke.

"Amanda," he says and I burst out laughing. "We are not naming our daughter after my fake name," I tell Louis.

"Halley," he says and my smile widens. "That's the one!" I say excitedly and he pulls me into him in a hug. "Grace," I say and he looks at me confused. "Her middle name. Halley Grace Tomlinson," I say and he smiles at me.

"It's perfect, just like you," he says and I smack his shoulder.

"You sap."

When You're Gone [Sequel to SOOS] [Laylor]Where stories live. Discover now