Chapter 5: Interview

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"I still feel love when I see your face, but all these tears I can't erase..."


I take a deep breath as the interviewer calls me onto the stage. I wave to the screaming crowd as I sit down onto the chair.

"So, Taylor, it's good to have you here!" The interviewer says with too much enthusiasm. I plant a fake smile on my face. "It's good to be here!" I say and the crowd screams some more.

I forgot I had this many fans.

The interviewer sends me a smile before starting to speak again. "So, as we all know, you have been trending on the media the past few days, particularly after Niall's wedding. I have a few questions to ask you if that's alright," she says and I give her a nod. "Of course!" I say.

She looks down at her card before turning back to me. "Okay, first question. Why were you with Harry? I mean, we know you two dated in the past and now he has a girlfriend, but is there something you two aren't telling us?" She asks with a curious glint in her eye.

I internally sigh, still keeping a fake smile on my face. "No, no, Harry and Jess are happy together. Harry and I are just best friends. He offered to let me stay at his flat, because I didn't rent a hotel room yet for the night," I lie, but everyone seems to believe it.

"Speaking of the wedding, there was a video that went viral of you going in disguise and then your ex-boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, and you danced together, which ended in him revealing your disguise. What do you have to say on that?" She asks.

Okay, is it legal for me to punch her?

"Louis and I broke up 2 years ago. I think we can handle seeing each other at a wedding-" I say with a forced chuckle. "Louis and I are just friends, nothing more," I say pointedly. "Friends that have Twitter lyric battles across the internet?" She asks. "That was just us having fun. Harry had dared me to mess around with him, so it ended up in that," I lie again, getting angry.

"Well thanks for clearing that up for us, Taylor," she says, ignoring my change of voice. "And now you're going to do a performance, am I correct?" She asks and I give her a nod.

I take silent deep breaths as the camera moves to just focus on the interviewer as she explains my performance is going to come after the commercials.

The cameraman says we are off the air and I take that as my chance to take a break. I quickly stand up off the couch and go walk backstage. I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"We can handle seeing each other? I don't think that's exactly the case, love," the voice says and I stop walking, my back going stiff. "Do you have to keep following me?" I ask, avoiding his statement. "Only until you decide to be with me again," he says and I turn around.

"I already told you, I can't," I tell him. "Your eyes say you want to, though," Louis mutters as he walks closer to me. I don't move backwards and keep my feet planted. I am completely frozen, as I'm looking into his blue eyes.

He is so close now that if I moved even less than an inch, our noses would bump. "Of course I want to, you idiot," I breathe out, my eyes locked in his. "Then be with me," he whispers as he glances down at my lips. I gulp and he places a hand on my cheek.

"I love you, and I know you do, too," he breathes as he leans closer. I am completely frozen as he leans closer, our lips centimeters apart. "I do," I breathe and he smiles.

He leans in and our noses touch. "1 minute until we are live again people!" I hear a yell from the cameraman and that snaps me out of my daze. "I-I can't," I whisper as I pull away. I hear him curse as I turn around and grab the guitar I set out next to the stage.

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