Chapter 8: Charitable Deeds

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"You're just a little bit outta my limit..."


(A/N: I've missed Louis POV so heres a little bit :P )

I sigh as Lou Teasdale brushes up the cover up on my face. She stops brushing and puts it down before placing her hands on my cheeks. "It's just one small concert for charity. Try and be happy just for two hours. I know it's hard, but you can do it, love," she says.

I give her a grateful smile and nod. "Okay, I-I can do it," I say and she pats my head. "Good boy. Now, get outta the chair, it's Niall's turn, and we all know how squirmy he is," she says with a small laugh. I let out a chuckle as Niall shouts out a 'hey!' at us.

I stand up and move over to the couch next to Zayn, who was on his phone. I let my mind start to focus on the concert.

One Direction is doing a concert here in LA, at the Staples Center, for a organization called Stand Up To Cancer. We did a little fundraising thing a few years ago for them, and we got to meet a few of our fans. The fans got to buy tickets for the concert and all the proceeds go to the organization.

The stadium sold out in under three minutes. I guess that was because we don't do a lot of concerts anymore, in fact, our contract only keeps us for another year or two.

I'm brought back when I hear Paul stick his head in and shout something at us. "C'mon Louis, he said we are on in half an hour," Harry tells me and I nod. I stand up and follow the boys to go get in our places behind the stage.

I take a peek out at the crowd, but keep my head hidden. There are so many people out there. I was beginning to think One Direction was fading away, but we have still sold out the Staples Center.

I let out a small smile and follow the boys down to go into our platforms under the stage. I am led to the one in-between Zayn and Niall. Some people strap me into it and I thank them before they move on to strap in Niall.

We are given the one minute warning and I try to clear my mind from everything except the songs we are supposed to sing.

I hear the music start to play and the screams increase. I fix my earpiece and make sure it is firm in my ear and it won't fall out.

The platform starts to move and soon I am blinded by the stage lights. Harry starts the song off and I send out smiles and waves to the crowd. The screams are almost deafening, and soon my eyes adjust.

I wait for my turn to sing and I belt out my solo, making my voice crack in all the right places. I take the moments I'm not singing to look at the signs and the people that are out there.

We zip through the songs and we are about halfway through the concert. Liam is talking right now and I'm supposed to talk for a bit after him.

I glance out at the crowd. I smile at all the fans with the silly signs and outfits. My eyes scan over the crowd when suddenly they move back over to a section that is on the floor, but nearer to the back.

My smile falters and I squint my eyes to make sure I'm not imagining things.

Nope, those are my blue eyes.

That's my curly, blonde hair.

That's my Taylor.

Our eyes meet just as Liam finishes talking. She quickly turns away and turns to walk out of her row, towards an exit.

I have to think fast.

"I'm so glad you made time to see me. How's life? Tell me how's your family. I haven't seen them in a while."

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