Chapter 13: You're Kidding

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"When you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears. When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears..."


I read through the fine print and make sure everything is correct before clicking on the 'Buy Tickets' button. I quickly print them out and examine them. I hear footsteps and I throw the papers underneath my laptop and exit out of the website.

"Hey," Taylor says, coming into the room. "Hey," I say as she walks over and sits next to me on the bed. "So, what are we doing today?" Taylor asks me, completely oblivious to me hiding something from her.

"I was thinking that me and Amanda could go shooting together?" I ask, unsure if she'll agree. I see her face brighten. "I've never been shooting before," she says excitedly. "Well, guess Amanda will have to tell you about it when we get back," I tease her. She laughs and leans her head onto my shoulder. "Don't be smart with me, Mr.Tomlinson," she says and I smile at my name coming out of her mouth.

"Go get ready and we'll go," I say and she sighs before getting up. "Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes," I tell her with a fake stern voice. "Okay, okay," she says, laughing as she walks down the hallway, because she knows I think she takes forever.

32 minutes later, we are getting into my car and driving down the street, following my GPS to figure out where to go. We finally arrive at the shooting range and get out of the car.

"C'mon, let's go inside," I say, taking her hand and leading her inside. "Let me do the talking," I whisper to her softly. She nods, understanding she has to be Amanda Brightwood right now and someone might recognize her voice.

We go inside and a guy, whom I assume is the manager, comes over to us and leads us back to where we need to go.

He shows us how to do everything and he says if we need any help then we can 'just holler and he'll be right over'.

He leaves and I pick up the first gun, once I have the required equipment on. I stand in front of the target and hold the gun out with two hands. I aim at the target and glance sideways to see Taylor trying not to laugh at my concentrated face.

I smile and turn my head back towards the target. I let my finger hover over the trigger before pressing it down and hearing the loud gunshot ring through the air.

I watch as the bullet sails towards the target...and lands in the hay behind it. I groan and Taylor laughs at my dismay of missing the target.

"Like you could do any better," I mumble, annoyed at my non-skills. I set the gun down and roll my eyes at Taylor jumping up, still laughing and walking towards the shooting area.

"Yes, I can," she says and I snort. "Okay, sure," I say sarcastically and step away so she can do her thing. I take out my phone, getting an idea. I quickly text Harry and Niall and tell them my plan, asking them for some help, before turning my attention back to Taylor.

She stands with her feet about shoulder width apart and she bits her lip a little bit to focus. She aims a little lower than the bullseye and takes a deep breath.

And can I just say she looks like the hottest badass chick out there.

Her brown, wavy hair is flowing down her back and she is holding out her arms and her super long legs are sticking out from her shorts.

She gently rests her finger on the trigger and pushes it down, the kick pushing her back a little bit.

I look in dismay to see she hits the target. It hit the second to last outer ring, but it still hit the board. She sets the gun down before jumping in the air in triumph. She sticks her tongue out at me and I feel a blush forming on my cheeks.

When You're Gone [Sequel to SOOS] [Laylor]Where stories live. Discover now