Chapter 19: Why

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"When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke. Cause the stories that I told, I tell again and again. I can count on you after all we got up to. Cause I know that you truly understand..."


"Taylor Allison Swift, I don't like your last name very much, and I think that only having matching dentures isn't enough, so I think we need same last names as well, so, um...

"Will you marry me?"


My breath hitches in my throat as I see the ring sparkle. The same ring that he was going to propose to me with all those years ago.

I take one last look at the ring before looking into Louis' nervous eyes. He's waiting for my answer.

"No," I say, turning on my heal and walking away. I hear Louis gasp and get up. "O-okay that's f-fine, I mean, i-is it just because you're not r-ready? If that's the r-reason I will wait for you forever, love. But, is it because y-you don't love m-me anymore?" His voice wavers and I stop walking, immediately feeling bad.

I slowly turn around and see the tears that are brimming in his eyes. I smile slightly and his eyes tear up even more.

"Tell me Taylor! Why can't you marry me?" He asks, his voice getting stronger. I just stand there and smile at him. "Why are you just smiling at me?! Answer me! I need to know!" He says, his voice raising.

I start to giggle and I run back over towards him. I quickly wrap my arms around him in a hug and then press my lips to his.

"I was just kidding," I say, pulling away from his lips, right as he reacted to me. "About what?" He asks, and I let out another giggle. "Of course I'll marry you, you idiot," I say and his face break out into a grin before he pouts again.

"You are really cruel, you know that? I actually thought you were going to dump me," he whispers, looking at the floor. I put my finger under his chin and force him to look at me. I press my lips onto his and then I pull away.

"You're really hot when you're mad," I say. "You are absolutely useless!" He says back, but we are both laughing. He reaches into his pocket and opens the box again.

"So let me ask one more time, but I'm not getting back down on that floor. I'm getting old and I might not be able to get back up," Louis says and I laugh.

"Taylor Allison Swift, do me a favor and change your last name to Bitch because that is exactly what you are. Oh, and while you're at it, marry me?" He asks, holding the box holding the ring in between us.

"That was literally the worst proposal on earth, but I did say no the first time, so of course you idiot," I say and he takes the ring out before slipping it onto my finger. Well, trying to at least.

By the third try of him just hitting my fingernail, he bites his lip and closes one eye, before lining up the ring with my finger and then sliding it, somewhat gracefully onto my finger.

I admire it, before wrapping my arms around Louis and he presses his lips onto mine. He brings my body closer to him and slides his tongue along my bottom lip. I open my mouth and his tongue explores it.

He puts his hands under my thighs and I jump up to straddle him. I put my hands on either sides of his cheeks and we continue.

I playfully bite his lip and pull it out towards me, before releasing it. Louis immediately bites it and moves his lips to my ear.

"Now, now, I don't think you'd want me to take you right here in this public park, now would you," Louis whispers darkly into my ear.

"Wouldn't be the first time," I mumble and he groans before attaching his lips to the skin right there below my ear. I run my hands through his hair, as he sucks the soft skin and I breath in a quick breath.

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