Chapter 3: Playtime

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"I won't act my age, no I won't act my age. I still feel the same around you..."

A/N: Merry Christmas my loves and i hope you get everything you asked for because you deserve it okay i love you


I laugh as I talk to Jess as Harry and Louis are joking around with each other. Payton and Halley are playing on the carpet in the middle of the floor, and they are really, really cute.

"They are so going to get married when they get older," Jess says and Louis turns to fake glare at her. "I am not letting the Styles child marry my daughter. He will ruin her clean mind," Louis says and Harry gasps.

"Nuh-uh! Payton will be such the gentleman to her!" Harry argues and Louis turns to him. "Anything coming from your dick will never turn out good," Louis says and I turn to Jess, rolling my eyes.

"Same to you, Tomlinson," Harry says and the two boys glare at each other before Harry gets out of his chair.

"I'm getting some water, anybody like something?" He asks and we all shake our heads as he goes to the kitchen. He comes back seconds later with a glass of water in his hands.

He starts walking past Louis to get to his chair, but he falls and pours the entire cup of water onto Louis. "Oh no! I tripped!" Harry shouts in sarcasm. Jess and I start laughing and Louis turns to glare at Harry.

"You little-" Harry shrieks and puts the now-empty glass on the couch and starts running towards the kitchen. Louis gets off the couch and starts running after him. "Get back here you twat!" Louis yells and Jess and I laugh harder.

Soon, Harry dives over and behind the couch, hiding against it facing Jess and I. "I'm not here," he says and Jess and I nod. Louis comes bolting into the room. "Where did he go?!" Louis asks frantically and Jess and I shrug.

Louis looks into my eyes and I flicker them to beneath the couch. Louis grins, getting my hint, he slowly creeps over to the couch and then once he is close enough, he jumps over it and right on top of Harry.

Harry screams, quite girlish, and Louis laughs as he straddles Harry, keeping his shoulders pinned down.

All the while, Payton and Halley are just staring between the toys in their hands, and their two daddies wrestling and tackling each other.

"Say it!" Louis yells and Harry presses his lips together, shaking his head. "Never!" He shouts and Louis removes his hands from Harry's shoulders and starts wiggling his fingers.

"Guess someone wants to be tickled!" Louis says and attaches his fingers to Harry's sides, tickling them. Harry shrieks of laughter, startling the children and Jess and I laugh harder.

"Okay! Okay! I'll say it!" Harry says, in between shrieks. Louis stops tickling him and crosses his arms, still straddling him.

"Louis is the hottest sexiest sass master of Doncaster!" Harry mumbles and Louis starts tickling him again. "What was that?!" He yells and Harry shrieks again.

"Louis is the hottest sexiest sass master of Doncaster!" Harry shouts in between shrieks and Louis stops, rolling off of Harry.

"You're forgiven," Louis says and Harry gets up and jumps on top of Louis lying on the floor, flopping his body across Louis'.

"Thanks Boo!" Harry says and rests his head on Louis' chest. Jess and I 'awe' at the sight and Louis and Harry turn to us and stick their tongues out at us. We laugh and then Jess and I announce that we will go pick up some food for dinner.

The boys have now moved to play with the babies on the floor and Jess and I go take a car to pick up some food. We sing along to the radio and joke around the whole way there.

This is what friends are made for.


This is such a crappy chapter im so sorry this book sucks

Goodnight guys :) once i wake up then i get to open my christmas presents so yeah

Love you


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