Chapter 6: We Might Always Always Always Get Back Together...Not

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"So you go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me..."

A/N: I suggest you listen to Sad, Beautiful, Tragic if you really want them feels.


He is breathing into the microphone as he stands in between my legs, staring at me. The room is completely silent as everyone just stares at Louis and I, waiting to see what will happen. I take in a shuddery breath as he leans his face in closer. I am once again mesmerized in his eyes and I can't move.

I glance down at his lips and I bite my own nervously. He leans in closer and pulls the microphone up in-between us. "Kiss me," he whispers and I blink, coming back to my senses.

I quickly push him away and the guitar clatters on the floor. "No," I say and pick up the guitar before turning around. I start running off the stage as I feel the tears falling down my face. I feel arms from security and the crew members trying to hold me back, but I rip away from them and keep running until I am outside the building.

I clutch the guitar to me and slide down against the wall, sitting on the floor. "You can't keep running away from everyone and everything, Taylor," I hear him speak. The door closes and I feel him slide down the wall next to me.

"I have to, Louis," I whisper, staring out at the deserted back road. "You played my guitar," he whispers, changing the subject. "You gave it to me," I blush.

He noticed.

I zone out as I think back to when he gave me the guitar. It was on a Valentines Day, back when we were still dating.


I laugh as Louis comes up behind me and covers my eyes. "Guess who?!" He calls out and I bring my arms back to pull him into a hug against me. He removes his hands from my eyes and places them around my waist. He pulls me close to him and rests his head on my shoulder.

"You're such a dork," I say, still giggling. "I know, but you love me," he says, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Let's keep the PDA to a minimum!" Niall's voice calls out from my couch. All of us start laughing as I look to see Niall's disgusted face. "Yeah, some of us are still single ya know," Harry adds on and Louis and I pull away from each other, only to grab hands.

We move to sit on the couch and I look at the others. There was Sofia and Liam sitting on the floor, along with Zayn and Perrie, and then Harry and Niall were cuddling together on the opposite couch of me and Louis. They claimed that they were going to be each other's valentines, since they were both single.

"Should we get the gifts now?" I ask and everyone cheers. I move to get my present for Louis from next to my fireplace. I take the box and sit back down onto the couch.

Zayn and Perrie go first and they exchange their presents, earning 'awes' from the rest of us. Liam and Sofia go next and then Niall and Harry exchange gifts. They were being downright saps on purpose. They even shared a quick peck on the lips as a 'thank you'. It was all a joke, of course, and we all were laughing for 5 minutes over what had just happened.

Finally, it was mine and Louis' turn. I gave him his present, which was a vintage 'L+T' shaped gigantic glass letter. He absolutely loved it and kissed me straight after opening it.

"Now it's my gift, stay right here," he says as he stands up and leaves the room. We all look at each other curiously, before Louis comes back....singing.

He is strumming an acoustic guitar while singing my song 'Ours'. He changed some of the lyrics, but it was for the benefit of him singing the song. He stares at me the entire time as he walks closer and closer to me. By the time he reached the end of the song, he was sitting right next to me.

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