Chapter 18: 4-yearaversary

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"One night he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says, you're my best friend, and you knew what it was, he is in love..."


I smile to myself as I'm getting ready for the "biggest date in history."

Well at least, according to Louis.
Management scheduled a time for Zayn, Perrie, Liam, Sophia, Niall, Kate, Harry, Jess, Louis, and I all to go out on a date together.

We are going to a small carnival and then we have reservations at some restaurant.

It is going to be nice to see everyone and I'm actually sort of glad Management to do something good for a change.

I smooth out my dress and smile as I check my hair and makeup. Everything looks good and
I walk out of the bathroom to join everyone out in Harry's living room as Lou Teasdale is getting everyone ready for the date.

Louis comes over to me as soon as I walk out and wraps his arm around my waist and gives me a kiss. Everyone squeals and I roll my eyes as Lou puts the finishing touches on Niall.


Once we are all ready, we head out to the two cars waiting for us. We split, Niall, Kate, Jess, Harry, Louis, and I in one car and Zayn, Perrie, Liam, and Sophia in the other car.

We all head to the carnival and the boys all start to sing along to the radio, loudly and off-key.

Us girls just laugh at them until we arrive to the carnival. We are helped out of the car and Louis takes my hand as he points out the ferris wheel.

"You and me are going on that later," he whispers lowly in my ear. I blush and give him a kiss before we go with the other couples and get in line to get our ticket checked.

We enter the carnival and I notice the lot of people staring at us, mostly the teenagers, because I mean it's all of One Direction and their girlfriends together in one place.

If I wasn't apart of it, I would be staring too.

We get ride tickets and take pictures with fans before heading to the roller coasters.

We laugh as Harry trips over his own feet and almost falls to the dirt-covered ground. Louis pats his back as Harry regains his balance and Harry glares at him.

Louis just laughs and grabs my hand again, swinging it back and forth.

We go on more rides before getting some food to eat. It is starting to get dark, and Louis grabs my hand before telling everyone that we will catch up with them later.

I roll my eyes as Louis drags me behind him and brings me to the ferris wheel. He gives the rise operator our tickets and we get into the cart.

Once we are starting to go around, Louis turns to me.

"You look beautiful today, Miss Taylor," Louis says, eyeing me. I glance down outside to see paparazzi pointing their cameras up. "Thank you, Mr. Tomlinson," I answer him, turning back to look at him.

"Forget about them, this is our time," he whispers, cupping my face, as he notices my uneasiness from the paps.

I nod and he brings our faces closer before connecting our lips together. I scoot closer to him and place both hands on either side of his face and I pull away as we near the bottom of the ride, as well as the end.

I bite my lip and Louis rubs his thumb over my cheek, laughing.
"You are way too shy," he says jokingly as we exit our cart and he takes my hand.

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