Chapter 15: Vacation

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"Jump then fall into me..."


I wake up in Louis' arms and I quietly roll out of them as I get out of the bed. I look out the window to see the sun low in the morning sky and the waves crashing against the shore.

I redo my hair and twist it into a bun before quietly making my way to the kitchen.

I can't believe Louis bought this entire trip for me. He bought the plane tickets and everything and he even kept it a secret from me. I just don't understand how someone could be so nice to me, after all I've done to him.

I shake my head of my thoughts and remind myself that Louis loves me, he told me he loves me and I have to believe. I want to believe him. It's just hard when you've fallen down a dark, black hole for so long and then you finally find a light, the light, it still takes you so long to grasp it and hold onto it forever.

I smile to myself because this is why I need to keep myself surrounded with people, otherwise my thoughts start to consume my mind and they alter the way I am viewing things.

I hear a throat being cleared behind me and I turn around to see Louis standing in the doorway. "Were you planning on using that spoon for something or..." Louis trails off with a teasing smile. I look down to see a spoon in my hand. I hadn't even realized I picked it up. I put the spoon down as I feel my cheeks heating up.

"I was just thinking," I tell him and he walks over the few steps to me, wrapping his arms around me as I nuzzle my face is his shoulder. "About me I hope?" He says, still in his joke mood. "Always," I say, pressing a kiss to his nose.

"C'mon, go get dressed, I'll make breakfast. We are going to go exploring today!" Louis says and I pull away from him, raising my eyebrows. "Did Louis Tomlinson just offer to cook breakfast?" I ask in disbelief. Louis shakes his head as he lightly punches me. "I guess Louis Tomlinson really loves his girlfriend then, so she might want to go get dressed before the offer times out," he shoots back at me, in the way only he is sassy.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," I giggle as I kiss him on the cheek one last time before going to the bedroom and picking out some high-waisted shorts and a t-shirt. I go into the bathroom and decide to opt out on taking a shower right now, because I know I will just get all dirty from trying to keep up with 'Louis the Explorer'.

I brush my teeth and wash my face before changing into my clothes. I brush my short hair and pull it back into a ponytail, it's small curls bouncing as I give my head a little shake.

I don't bother applying any makeup, because who is here to judge me on a remote island? I mean besides the small village, but I'm pretty sure they don't even own makeup.

I walk out of the bathroom and slip on a pair of Keds. I smell something cooking and I pray he hasn't burned anything, especially the kitchen, down.

I make my way to the doorway of the kitchen to see Louis sliding some scrambled eggs onto a plate next to a slice of toast.

"Bon-appetite!" He says, noticing my presence behind him. I smile at him and take my plate and my glass of water he poured me and bringing it to the small table that sits in one of the rooms that overlooks the ocean.

Louis follows me after turning off the appliances and he sits down. "I didn't burn anything this time, so I deserve some points," Louis says and I shrug my shoulders. "Dunno, those points may be taken away if the eggs taste like rubbish," I say and Louis starts laughing. I give him a confused look and he shakes his head.

"Since when did you start using words like 'rubbish'?" He asks, still smiling. I blush and shake my head. "Since I started dating a sassy British jerk," I reply, only making Louis laugh harder.

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