Chapter 14: Arrival

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"My ex man brought his new girlfriend, she's like 'oh my god, but I'm just gonna shake'. And to the fellow over there with the hella good hair, won't you come on over baby? We can shake, shake, shake..."


Today's the day.

I take a deep breath as Louis squeezes my hand before moving out of the camera shot.

I smile at him and he gives me a quick thumbs up from his spot behind the laptop.

I click start and the livestream starts itself. My views are already up and I smile at the camera before giving them a small wave.

"Hello everyone!" I exclaim and move my eyes over to where the comments are flooding in. "So, I'm assuming you all are wondering what my big announcement is?" I ask them, even though I know they can't physically respond.

"Well, I kind of, ya know, had this idea, and like, ya know, it turned into a song, so like yeah," I say, purposely dragging it out. I see the comments telling me to hurry up and tell them what my announcement is. I laugh at the comments and roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay well, I recorded the song and recorded a music video. It's called Shake It Off and I hope you guys enjoy it," I say and give a thumbs up to the producer as he quickly types some stuff, making the music video start to play on the viewer's screens.

I stand up off the couch and look at the computer that is playing the live-stream.

The music video ends and I sit back down on the couch. "Wow, okay, well that was Shake It Off, and I will be performing it at the VMA's next week, see you all then!" I wave to the camera and end the video. I jump up and cheer as Louis comes over to wrap me in a hug.

"I am so, so proud of you, baby," he whispers in my ear and my smile grows at his pet name. "I love you," I whisper back to him and he pulls away from the hug, resting his arms on my waist with a smile.

"Promise?" He asks, bringing up our old saying. I smile and blush, because he remembered. I bury my face in his chest as I mumble one word.


*One Week Later*

"Where's my phone?!" I yell out loud to the stylists in my hotel room. I hear a voice saying it's on the table and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

I am so freaked out for tonight, because it's my first time performing Shake It Off and Louis is going to be there with "Amanda" and I have to pretend like I still haven't gotten over our break-up, which is what Shake It Off is "about", according to the media.

I sigh and I feel a hand rub my back. "Relax, you'll do fine. You just need to take deep breaths and we will get into the limo, okay?" I turn around to see Kate and I give her a hug and a smile. "Well, I'll be getting into the limo. You have to get back to Niall," I tease her and she sticks her tongue out at me. "You know what I meant," she says and I smile and give her a little push towards the door.

"Okay, okay, now you have to go, otherwise you'll make Niall late," I tell her and she laughs as she goes out the door, calling out a goodbye behind her.

My stylists make a few last-minute touch-ups and soon I am in my limo ready to go. I am already late to the red carpet, but I still have a good 30 minutes before I have to take my seat.

I step out of my limo and onto the red carpet. The camera flashes blind me as I put on my million-dollar smile, posing in my blue, floral, what-would-resemble-a-leotard outfit.


"Thank you so much for doing this," I tell Lou, our stylist. She waves her hand at me as she plasters on the fake skin. "Relax, you know I love you and Taylor both and you two together makes me happy," she says and I smile.

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