Chapter 3

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"Hey there Lucy how are we doing?" I ask walking into the little girls room with a jello cup and a cookie

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"Hey there Lucy how are we doing?" I ask walking into the little girls room with a jello cup and a cookie. She sits up in her bed, her stuffed dog in her hand and brushes the curly strands of her hair out of her face "I'm good doctor Tearney did you bring me jello?" I nod moving towards her bed "you bet I did, are you ready for your last round of chemo today?" There is movement by the door and her mother enters "is this it? After this she is ready go home?" I place the food on her little table and turn to her mum "well obviously we will have to keep her for two days to make sure it's all gone but yeah she can go home"

I leave the two to celebrate that as I move onto the next patient a few doors away with my intern trailing me. I have Alex Karev and a few others today, "Wix, the case" I say and a male with a deep voice starts talking. "Mason Wagner age 15, was diagnosed with an Agina three days ago" I check his file, "what's the treatment so far?" I look up to see who isn't paying attention "Karev" he still isn't paying attention so the guy next to him hits him and he jumps. "He has been given a oxygen mask, we will be going in to unclog the atheroma" I nod "alright Wix your scrubbing in"


I head down to the cafeteria, it's been a week since I started and every day Derek and I walk down to the cafeteria "I removed a tumour today" he says as we head down the stairs "fun, I've been busy trying to teach crappy interns" he starts to laugh and I jostle him "it's not funny! It's like they don't know anything about medicine" he laughs again and this time I join in.

While I am in line to get my food (Derek already at the table with doctor Bailey and a few other doctors) an intern comes over "hey doctor Tearney are you busy tonight?" I turn to face her then, her expression nervous "no Stevens" I move further down the line picking up an apple and turning it around in my hand "we are having a party at Meredith's place I was wondering if you wanted to come" this shocks me but I feel almost honoured "I'd like that" she seems chuffed with herself "I'll see you later" I nod and she heads off to watch Burke do a surgery.

I go and sit down next to Derek, opposite Bailey who raises an eyebrow "what was that about?" She asks peeling her orange and I lean back in my chair "Stevens invited me to her party later" Derek chokes on his drink and has to wipe his face because he got it everywhere. "You got invited to it too?" He asks and I frown nodding my head "yeah why?" He shrugs and tries to act nonchalant about it "you know what they call you?" I shake my head still leaning back and he says "the Witch" I raise my eyebrows "I'm not that mean am I?" I look to the others on the table and Bailey chuckles "don't look at me girl they call me the Nazi"

After lunch I head down the hall to the ER, to see if anyone needs help when I bump into someone, "hey! Watch it" the person says and when I look I see it's Alex and as he starts walking away I call "Karev get back here" he doesn't and I sigh. That man needs to learn some manners. I head towards the elevator, Meredith, Derek and George are heading there as well. "See you later" Derek says to the female intern as he stops at the elevator doors I brush past him trying to ignoring the look between Meredith and Derek, "bye" she says smirking slightly and I share a look with George.

As the elevator goes down I check my phone. No new messages. "What surgery's have you got scheduled today doctor Tearney?" The Male asks, I don't look up from my phone but say "trying to get in on one O'Malley" I know he is going red and I smile "I have residents in on my surgeries, until you can prove you are as good as a resident I will let you in on my surgeries" the doors ding open and I head out where I bump into Jack. "Wix what's wrong?" I ask because he looks panicked, I have a grip on his elbow to keep him from falling over when he bumped into me.

"Nothing I um. Actually it's Mason" he says and I frown, my heart leaping from my chest "what's wrong with him?" I ask as we start rushing down the hall. People are moving out of our way as we start running "he started coding, Alex said he would page you but when you didn't show up I came to find you" i groan "damn Karev".

I run down the Peds hallways until I reach Mason's room and what I find is Alex Karev using a defibrillator on my patient. "Alex Karev step away from my patient" I say stepping into the room, he glances over to me briefly "clear" he calls and uses the machine. I step closer "Karev don't you dare put one finger on my patient or you will be doing scut until you are 60" but still the guy ignores me and continues. After a few more tries Mason's heart starts again and I sigh in relief, Karev puts the paddles away and turns to me "you're welcome" and he brushes past me and out the door.

"Jack keep an eye on the patient" I order and follow the other intern from the room. We reach the end of the corridor and I push him into a cupboard "you do not do something like that when I am not there understood?" I place my hands in my pockets and glare at the guy "I saved that guys life" he says throwing his hands up "I didn't do anything wrong" I step forward looking up at him "you disobeyed your superior and could have killed that boy. You are really lucky he is alive right now" I push my hair from my face and head for the door before turning back to him "and that's why you will be scrubbing in with me"

A/N: what do you guys think of my story so far?

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