Chapter 24

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At the hospital we are rushed through the ER and to a trauma room where some interns are waiting for me, "alright get her hooked up to the machines and get her moved, we need to her to CT stat!" I shout as I grab a flash light and lean over the li...

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At the hospital we are rushed through the ER and to a trauma room where some interns are waiting for me, "alright get her hooked up to the machines and get her moved, we need to her to CT stat!" I shout as I grab a flash light and lean over the little girl "ok sweetheart can you tell me your name?" I ask softly, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. "I um- my name is um" she can't think of her name fire a second but then says "Rose, my name is Rose" I try to keep a positive smile on my face "ok Rose, you are going to go into a big machine. Kind of like a space ship and then when you come out I'm going to fix you right up" the little girl is looking around confused, we pull up to CT and I open the door "what happened?" She asks and I try to keep my face neutral "there was an accident with a ferry boat but don't worry. Everything is ok" she doesn't say anything after that and I wheel her inside.

The scans appear in the screen, she hasn't got any brain damage but I'm not sure about her lungs, since she ingested a lot of water. I head back into the CT room and help her out "alright Rose, we are just going to run some more tests and then you should be good to go" I help her into a wheel chair and wheel her up to the peds ward. On the way there Alex catches up to me "I thought you were still on the scene?" I ask try to keep from coughing, my lungs still hurt from going into the water.

"I came back after George told me what happened. Did you seriously jump in to the water to save that girl?" I nod my head and Alex follows me down the hall, he still has his jacket on and he looks drained. As though even being on the scene of the accident for an hour was enough to destroy him, "I did" I say and we find a room to put Rose in. Once she is on the bed and hooked on to machines I listen to her heartbeat. It is slightly slower then average and there is a slight murmur on every second heartbeat "so,you have a slight murmur on your heart but that might be because of all of the salt water you ingested so it should clear on its own but I want you to stay in here just in case ok?" I tell the girl. She looks up at me with big round green eyes but nods her head "do you know where my mummy is?" She asks and I bite my lip, shaking my head "I don't sweetheart but I promise the second I find out anything I will let you know"

Then she sits up and hugs me around the waist, catching me off guard but after a few seconds I smile and hug her back "you are ok in here. I need to go and fix other people but I will be back i promise" the girl nods and I follow Alex out of the room. As we walk away Alex takes hold of my arm gently and I turn to face him "what were you thinking?" He asks softy and I move my head to the side "what do you mean?" His brown eyes are sad, he has seen too much in his life,I can see that in his eyes and the way he carries himself "you went into the water even though you have a massive phobia, why would you do that to yourself?" He looks me deep in the eyes, concern written all over him.

I shrug and wrap my arms around me "I just- it was a little girl. She could swim properly and her mum couldn't swim at all. I needed to save her life" Alex runs a hand through his hair frustratingly and lets go of my arm, letting his hand swing by his side, he opens his mouth to say something but Doctor Montgomery comes racing towards us, her expression wild, scared. She comes to a stop in front of us, slightly out of breath "it's Meredith" she says. Alex and I share a look before racing down the hall towards the ER. When we get there I see Meredith lying on a table looking very still, before Alex can see her I turn to him and pull him away "stay out here ok? I've got this" he gives me a look of worry but I squeeze his hand "it'll be ok" and I head for the door

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now