Chapter 36

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There is heavy banging on my front door waking me up with a fright

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There is heavy banging on my front door waking me up with a fright. Jumping out of bed, I grab a candle holder from my bedside table and walk slowly for the door. My heart is pounding in my chest as the person knocks on the door again "who is it?" I call and I hear some rustling "it's Mark, open up" he pauses "please" sighing and running a hand through my hair I put the candle stick back on the side and open the door.

The rustling I heard was a plastic bag that Mark has in his hand "I've bought reinforcements" he says and Derek appears behind him along with Callie. A smile grows on my face and I let my door swing open "come in guys" I say shutting the door behind them. I fold my arms across my chest and look down at the bag full of alcohol, Mark got my favourites. Mark falls back on the sofa, Derek and Callie a little more awkward "I got your text" mark says putting his arms on the back of the chair "I wanted to remind you, your not alone" he shifts awkwardly "that I don't want to leave you alone while that creep is hanging around" I move across the room and sit down in an arm chair near my fire place.

I bring my legs up and tuck them under me "so who's ready to drink?" Callie asks digging into the bag, laughing I watch as Derek moves into the kitchen "the glasses are in the top cupboard in the middle" he nods and opens it. I lean back in my chair and trace the patterns of stitching on the arm of the chair "we managed to get that boy out of the cement" Callie says taking a glass from Derek, I raise my eyebrows surprised "really!? That's great!" Callie starts pouring me a drink and I take it.

I down it and ask Callie to refill it "damn girl slow down, we've got time" I shrug and lean back on my chair "I have had a day" Mark eyes me then and I stand up. "Let's dance" I say and Mark whistles playfully. I go over to my radio and music starts to play, Derek is sitting soberly, nursing his drink so I drag him out of his chair "come on D, dance with me" Derek sighs and does what can only be assumed as a pathetic shuffle of his feet "im sorry" he says running his hands through his hair "just my mind is on this whole Meredith thing" I stop dancing and pick up my drink.

Callie stands up and says "so what. Andy is going through something only Mark seems to know about and you are still hung up on Meredith freaking Grey" she turns up the music "we need forget about all of that and have fun"

We dance and drink and laugh for what seems like forever and for a while I forget all about Mason business until I go into the kitchen to her more snacks. Mark is already in there "hey" I say opening the cupboard "hey" he says. There is a pause before he asks "so where did you see him?" I run a hand through my hair and lean against the counter "coffee shop, I was making a pit stop on the way home" Mark nods and steps forward, I tilt my head up and look into his steel blue eyes "I won't let him hurt you again Andy. I promised that to you in New York and I intend to keep that my promise" smiling I hug him and listen to his heart beat through his chest "I love you Mark" I say and he rubs my back soothingly "I love you too peanut"


The next morning I wake up with a wicked hangover and three other people in my bed. Thankfully we are fully clothed, Derek is snoring his head off and Callie is falling slowly off of the bed. Groaning I rub my head and head into the kitchen, I put on a pot of coffee and lay my head on the cool counter. I check the time. I have three hours before my shift starts. The coffee is almost done when there is a knock on the door, I make my way silently over to it and open the door to reveal Alex.

"Alex?" I ask rubbing my head hoping if I do it enough my headache will go away "what are you doing here?" He sighs and I step out into the hall, closing my door slightly so not to wake the others. "You don't remember the texts you sent me last night do you?" He says and I shake my head, my eyes falling to the bag in his hand "no I dont" he takes out his phone and shows me the texts I sent him. Groaning I read through them and feel so embarrassed "god I am so sorry" he chuckles and puts his phone back in his pocket "that's alright, I knew you were drunk and I thought I would stop by on my way to work and give you and the gang some greasy food"

I open the bag and inside are donuts and croissants, smiling I lean up and kiss him on the cheek "that was very sweet of you. I'll see you later ok?" He nods and kisses me on the lips.

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now