Chapter 23

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I'm late this morning

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I'm late this morning. Addison is waiting for my outside in her car, for the past few days we have been carpooling together because it's easier plus I will do anything to get out of driving and walking is killing me. I quickly grab my bag and rush down to the car "you're late, you're never late. What's up?" She asks as she pulls away from the curb, I burial my hair from my face and look confused "nothing is wrong, why would something be wrong?" She gives me a look as though she doesn't believe me but drops it. My phone buzzes and I look down at it in my lap 'I left your keys under the mat, see you at work - M' Addison looks down and I quickly turn it over "who was that?" She asks and I look out of the window, covering my mouth with my hand "my mum" I say and she drops it.

At the hospital everything seems to be normal, everyone going about their normal days. "Wanna get something to eat?" Addison asks and I look over to the coffee cart, in the line is both Alex and Mark. How did he get here before us? "Um, I'm not hungry" I say linking arms with my friend and basically pushing her past an awkward encounter. Addison seems to notice this and smiles at me "oh your hungry just not for food" I roll my eyes and shake my heading but still smiling "don't even start Doctor Montgomery" she gasped in fake shock "me? Never Doctor Tearney"

The elevator doors open and Doctor Webber is standing in there by himself, Addison and I share a look. We stand behind him, the red head is reading a newspaper and I am typing on mhm phone rapidly in German to my dad. The elevator moves and when it reaches the next floor Derek comes in, a nurse walks out and he says good morning to her kindly. He also says morning to the rest of us and when he steps in he stares at Webber, "what's different?" He asks as the doors close behind him Richard looks confused and looks at us for an answer "nothing" he says simply and without looking up Addison says "leave him alone"

The door opens again, Derek turns around and Sloan and Burke. I try to keep my head down on my phone  but I can feel Mark's stare and my mind go backs to last night. How good it was. "See? Look, watch" Derek whispers and I continue texting my dad, "what happened to your hair?" Burke says and I finally look up. "Leave him alone Preston" I say still not looking up, my dad wants me to go there in a few weeks to celebrate a festival, custom in the small village they live in. Of course I can't just drop everything and this doesn't see to please my dad. Hence the German, he only speaks in the when is annoyed or I have done something to disappoint him.

All the men are looking at chief Webber intensely and after a few seconds Mark says "he dyed it" Derek narrows his eyes and steps forward slightly "but why?" He asks Addison hits him with her newspaper and says "leave him alone" I giggle but keep my head down. Burke pulls a face and says "ok but why?" Webber looks like he has had enough but he explains "men who have grey hair are noticed less than men who don't" with a bored voice, like he is ashamed.

The men all look confused and Derek asks "by who?" These are three of the most intelligent men I know and yet they are also the stupidest. There is pause before he starts "well..." but Burke cuts him off "the ladies?" Mark starts laughing and I shoot him a look. "What?" He mouths and I shake my head and the boys back track "it looks very good chief" Derek says with fake kindness. "The ladies will love it" Burke follows suit and Sloan nods it agreement. I have had a enough of this, Addison and I share a look and she subtly nods to me.

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