Chapter 49

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I sit at a nurses station doing paperwork when I see Alex surrounded by other doctors talking to doctor Bailey's patient's mother

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I sit at a nurses station doing paperwork when I see Alex surrounded by other doctors talking to doctor Bailey's patient's mother. I bite my lip and sit back in my chair admiring Alex from behind, how amazing he looks in a lab coat and all of the things I would let him to do me right now if he would just turn around.

"Are you doing something here?" A rude nurse asks standing behind me, I look up at her grumpy face and nod my head "mhm, paperwork" I lift it up to show her and she rolls her eyes "this is a nurses station. For nurses, you surgeons think you have some claim over everywhere in this hospital. Forgetting about everyone else who isn't as important as you big shot doctors" I roll my eyes and stand up, giving in "there it's all yours" I say and head past Alex.

I brush him with my arm, sending electricity all over my body and I know he feels it too because he jumps slightly. I smile to myself, glad to have that sort of affect on someone.


I am standing with Alex, I am texting Ronnie while he is doing paper work. Izzie comes over to us then "Mer looks weird" she says breaking our comfortable silence "does she look weird to you?" Both Alex and I look up and he snorts "she looks like she is gonna pee her pants" she observes and I roll my eyes.

Meredith is currently meeting Derek's mother for the first time and I have never seen her smile as much as she is right now "she can't make that much of a bad impression" I say putting my phone in my pocket "she met me when I was screaming at a patient's parents" Alex looks over at me, he leans into me "yeah I heard about that, what happened?" I shake my head and turn my attention back to Meredith and Derek "don't even get me started"

"Crap. I made her hydrate" Izzie answers Alex's earlier comment, I lean on the desk in front of the three of us "meeting the family always blows" I say "you made me do that" Alex looks at me accusingly and I smile, pecking him on the lips "that wasn't by choice, you know how crazy my family is" he hums an answer and kisses me again. We say goodbye to Izzie and head down the hall.

"I made dinner reservations for tonight" I say as we turn a corner "and tickets to go and see that movie you were talking about" Alex's face lights up and I smile "really?" He asks and I nod. He opens the door and I walk through it "yep, 6 pm sharp. Don't be late" and I wonder off for my next scheduled surgery.


I was going to see if Alex wanted to grab a bite together but he has gone with Arizona to go and pick up a new liver and intestines for a kid. So I decide to sit with her friends "it's a show lunch for mommy" I hear Cristina say as I sit down "what are we looking at?" I ask following their gaze to then see that they, of course, are looking at Meredith, Derek and his mother.

"She's freaking out" Cristina continues "that ponytail is gonna blow" I snort and take a bite of my salad. We all continue to watch them intensely before Meredith gets up and walks away. Cristina clears her throat bringing the conversation back to the table "so you and evil spawn" she says eyeing me with suspicion.

"Evil Spawn in Alex right?" I ask pointedly and she nods "I never pictured you two together" I shrug and stab a piece of lettuce with my fork "why is it so hard to believe?" George takes a bite of his sandwich and swallows it before answering "he's evil, rude and mean. You're a ray of sunshine, happy and nice" I smile and wish I remembered a drink "thanks George" I say and stand up going over to the drinks machine.

Just then Derek's mother and Mark come up to the machine. "Mark?" She asks as he comes over picking up a plastic cup "Mrs Shepherd" he greets back, unsure of himself "you've been avoiding me" she says and I snort, leaning against the counter waiting for my drink to refill "what? No" he insists and honestly the look on his face his hilarious. He looks like a little kid being told off.

"You have that same guilty look on your face as you did when you were ten" she says stepping forward "and you put Derek's favourite frog in the microwave" my eyes go wide and I look between the two of them "he did what?" I ask and Mark makes a noise, placing his hands on his hips "I never turned it on" he answers.

Mrs Shepherd smiles and looks up at him "what's going on?" She asks, Mark looks unsure as the whether he wants to tell her that him and Lexie are sleeping together. He does but phrases it the wrong way "I'm sleeping with her" he mutters and I suck in a nervous breath "oh mark!" She says putting the pieces together wrong "not again! How could you?" I giggle as Mark starts to backtrack "no.... No. Not Meredith. God, no. Meredith's little sister"

She frowns and looks around the cafeteria "which one is she?" The older woman asks and I step forward, wanting to embarrass my friend a little more "the one with the juice box" I say and see Mark visibly cringe. She then turns to me "Andy right?" She asks and I nod, she smiles and embraces me "I've got to say you put up one hell of a fight a while ago" she says "put those parents in their place" I laugh nervously "thank you ma'am, I pride myself in being honest" she smiles again and we part ways. Derek's mother is really lovely.


It's the evening and Alex is sitting on my sofa "I don't really feel like going out tonight" he admits when I come round in front of him "I've had a crappy day" I roll my eyes and take his hands in my own, pulling him up "we've both had a crappy day. Get over it, it took me ages to get this reservation and tickets and we are sticking to it"

Alex smirks down at me "yes ma'am" he says and kisses me gently before following me out of the door. The restaurant isn't as busy as I thought it would be when we get there "uh table for Tearney" I say to the hostess at the entrance. She looks at Alex and flutters her lashes at him "sure" she says and takes us inside. She leads us to a booth in the corner, dark but not too dark, perfect actually.

A few minutes later, before we have even opened up our menu's a waitress comes over and asks if we are ready to order "not yet thanks" Alex says dismissing her but she doesn't get the hint and smirks flirtingly at him "if there is anything you need let me know" she says and disappears from view.

"Wanna share a starter?" He asks, looking down at the menu "what?" I ask in a trance of thinking about what I will do to the next girl that flirts with him. He chuckles and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear and gently stroking my cheek "I love when you look like that" he says and I lean into his touch "like what?" I ask and he shrugs, pulling his hand back "when you look like you are thinking hard about something"

I open my menu "want to know what I was thinking about?" I ask looking at the wine options, he shrugs "I always want to know what you're thinking" he says and my chest squeezes. I turn to page to look at the food "I was thinking about the way I am going to murder the next woman who tries to flirt with you" Alex laughs and clutches his stomach with the force "no one is flirting with me babe" I scoff and decide what I am having to eat "that's what you think, both the hostess and the waitress were batting their eyelashes. The next step is to flash you through the shirts" this makes Alex laugh even harder and this time I laugh with him.

After dinner we head down the street to the movie theatre "ready?" He asks and I nod following him inside and to our seats.

The movie was long and boring but i don't mind, the look of pure joy and excitement on Alex Karev's face is enjoyment enough for me. Walking out of the theatre I clutch onto Alex's hand as he talks about the movie in rapid succession as though I wasn't there watching it myself. As we reach the car I finally pluck up the courage and say "move in with me" Alex freezes "what?" He asks turning around. I sigh and drop his hand, letting it fall to my side "Alex Karev, will you move in with me" I didn't think it possible for his face to light up more then it has but it does and he picks me up spinning me around "of course I will" he says and kisses me deeply.

A/N: I am thinking of making this book a series, putting the other seasons in the other books. Would you guys read them?

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