Chapter 10

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It's been almost a week, Meredith and Derek are still screwing around and I am hearing all about it from him

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It's been almost a week, Meredith and Derek are still screwing around and I am hearing all about it from him. Making me feel rather lonely to be honest but I don't want to start anything here, I've finally got it good. "Morning Doctor Webber" I say as I pass him in the hall he is looking at a file so intensely he doesn't answer so I just shrug and move on. Next I find Derek and hand him his coffee "good morning Derek" I say he takes the coffee from me and takes a sip before sighing in satisfaction. "Good morning Andy, you are oddly cheerful" he says and I shrug moving to look at my charts for my patients, I have a premature baby I need to keep an eye on and a toddler who has seasonal flu but because she has respiratory problems I have decided to keep her in.

"Why are are you cheerful?" Derek asks and I frown "just drink your damn coffee" and I saunter off.


"Doctor Tearney" a voice says I turn and see Doctor Webber "yes sir?" I ask waiting for him to catch up, when he does we start moving again "there is a helicopter being flown in right now with a little boy, he as Cystic Fibrosis and where he was staying isnt equipt to handle him, can you take him in and get him checked?" I nod my head, my mood soured "of course sir, I'll go right up" he nods and we break from each other.

CF is no joke, a killer in most children, not many survive childhood. I hate working these cases. As I make my way to the elevator I walk past George "results for George O'Malley?" He asks the person at the desk which makes me slow "George?" I make him jump "Doctor Tearney" he greets and I wave a hand "Andy" I peer closer "what are you getting results for?" He suddenly goes very pale and snatches the pages out of the doctors hand rather rudely "nothing but I really should be getting back so bye" I share a look with the guy in Hemotology and shrug my shoulders "I have no idea ether" I tell him and carry on walking.

Once at the elevator I take a chance to check my phone and it has a text from Ron 'call me ASAP x' my heart starts pounding, what if it's something wrong with her baby? The elevator dings and I step inside, pressing the button for the roof and I call her. After a few rings she picks up "what's wrong? Is it the baby?" I ask before she can even say hello and she laughs. She actually laughs at me. "What no" she says and I frown "you told me to call you ASAP I thought it was-" she cuts me off from explaining "well it is the baby" I start panicking again and she laughs, clearly being able to tell. "Me and Blake were talking and" she pauses for dramatic affect, the elevator stops on the third floor and three people get in. "Well don't leave me in suspense what is it?" I ask willing the elevator to go faster "we would like you to be her god mother" I gasp, putting a hand over my mouth "are you serious?" And she says she is.

The elevator dings at the roof and I tell her I have to go. Stepping out I watch as the helicopter comes flying in and I rush over to help open the door. Inside is a little boy, no older then 4 with his mother and father who both look very confused. I help them all out before turning to the boy "let's get you set up in a room shall we?" I ask and he nods but takes one step before fainting, luckily I catch him "woah there buddy" I mutter before showing them all downstairs.

On the peds floor I place him in a room closest to the nurses station, worried about his condition "what is his name?" I ask the parents and they don't seem to understand me but when the mother speaks to her husband in fast Spanish I understand and ask the question in their language. They look shocked but the mother says "his name is James. he is really sick, I don't know what is happening to my little boy". I nod my head and look over as the nurse starts plugging him into the right machines "right now I am going to run some tests and see how advanced he is and then we can go from there ok?" They nod and I leave them too it.

An intern on my service today is waiting outside the door "I want hourly checks, if anything changes page me. I don't care how small" he nods and I head to the NICU to check on my pre-baby. She is sleeping peacefully in her little box "hey baby" I say softly putting my hands on top of the box, there are so many tubes. "We've decided on a name" the mum, Laura says and I smile waiting for her to say it "Andie" she says and I smile broader honoured that they chose my name.

Her c-section was awful, she was in a car accident and went into preterm labour. It was messy but I managed to save both the baby and her life. "I am honoured thank you" she brings me in for a hug and I widen my eyes in response before hugging her back. "When will I be able to hold her?" She asks moving towards her child, "until she can start breathing on her own, when her lungs are fully developed otherwise the tubes and things will get in the way, she nods and I leave her with her baby. 


I can hear people whispering in the corridors but I don't ask what it's about, I'm too tired to care instead I find the nearest on call room and flop down on the bed "hey!" A male voice says and I jump off the bed, I switch on the light and there stands Alex Karev, I seriously can't get away from this guy. I sigh rubbing my hands over my face "ugh sorry" and I climb onto the top bunk and lay down looking at the ceiling.

Alex peeps up "you good?" He asks and hum a reply, turning over to face the wall. He sighs and I can hear him climb up higher on the creaky ladder and pulls me so I face him "what's up?" He asks, his eyes seem sincere but the rest of his body language doesn't so I say "did you know we have a pre baby in the NICU? Really cute, her parents named her Andie" he raises an eyebrow and rests his head on the wooden frame "your deflecting" I shake my head "there really is a baby in the NICU called Andie" he rolls his eyes and goes back down to the floor "fine don't tell me" he says harshly and turns off the light. Finally I can sleep.

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now