Chapter 4

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That night I change into my normal clothes and grab my bag "you heading out?" Bailey asks and I nod my head "yeah going to swing by the intern's party, see if there's more then just juice boxes" we both laugh and I head out into the night

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That night I change into my normal clothes and grab my bag "you heading out?" Bailey asks and I nod my head "yeah going to swing by the intern's party, see if there's more then just juice boxes" we both laugh and I head out into the night. It's cold and I wrap my jacket around me pulling it close, "Tearney" I hear someone call and I stop seeing Alex come running down the path "Karev?" I ask as he comes closer. He stops in front of me panting slightly "can you give me a ride home? My ride bailed" I ponder this for a second, checking the time. It's too early to go the party anyway, sighing I unlock my car and say "get in before I change my mind"

As we pull out of the hospital grounds I turn on the radio to fill the awkward silence and a Spanish song comes on. I start singing along to it forgetting there is someone else in the car "you speak Spanish?" He asks "sí" I answer "I also speak German and French" I turn into a road and pull up on the curb letting him out. When he gets out of the car he bends down to look at me, his eyes are sad and I can tell he has been through a lot, probably had to grow up fast like I did. "Would you like to come in and have a drink?" He asks softly and I shake my head "it wouldn't be professional of me plus I have some things to do tonight" he looks a little disappointed and my heart aches for him.

"I'll see you later Karev" I say and he nods shutting my car door and walking over to his apartment building. As I pull away I notice he waves at me and I smile to myself, when I finally turn out of his road I let out a breath, I roll my windows down and crank up my music before plugging in Meredith's address.


I get to the house and park up before going inside, I find Yang talking to Bailey at the drinks table "hey guys" I greet and Bailey turns to me, she is wearing a two tone purple shirt that looks lovely on her "wow Miranda you look amazing" I say and she bats me away "stop complimenting me, it makes me seem more human" and she eyes Cristina. "Do you know where Derek is?" I ask her and she shakes her head, frowning I move away and start looking for my friend.

I can't find him so I assume he isn't here yet, I go and grab myself a drink of whiskey and soda. I go out and sit on the front steps that lead up to the house and I over hear two girls talking "you know that Alex Karev?" One of them asks, "I heard he is crazy good in bed, he has a few nurses hooked" I cover my mouth to keep from laughing "well I heard he is an ass and uses women" wow he has been at the hospital for all of five minutes and already has a reputation although I guess I have a reputation and I have only been here a week. Word travels fast when you are always with each other.

I tell myself to stay for at least another hour but honestly I think I just want to go home. I am tired anyway, I pulled an all nighter last night with back to back surgeries. Successful ones I might add but still I am extremely tired. Sighing I stand up, chucking my plastic up in the trash and heading down the steps, I near a car on the side of the road with two people inside. I don't mean to look into the car but I do and when I do i see Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey making out, she has her shirt off and he looks rather rustled. My eyes go wide in shock and I quickly hurry away afraid of what I've just seen. I then climb into my car and head home.


My apartment is dark when I get in, chucking my keys on the side I make my way to the kitchen switching on the light and peering into my fridge. Nothing. Take out it is. I order myself some Chinese takeout and settle onto the sofa with my blanket. My
phone starts buzzing so I pick it up, the caller ID says Ronny so I answer "hey Ron what's up?" I ask down the phone "I just wanted to call, see how you are" she answers. I have two sisters Ronny and Bella, Ron is the eldest I am the middle and Bella is the youngest.

I wrinkle my nose and shift my position "you never want to know how I'm doing" I say and she chuckles "ok you caught me but I have something to tell you when are you free?" I bite my lip, my door bell rings and I head for my door "I don't know, I've just started my new job and it's super busy are you sure you can't come here?" I open the door and pay for my food before shutting the door with my foot and heading into my kitchen. I place my phone on the island counter and put her on speaker "actually I can't" she says I frown as I take my food out of the plastic bag "I'm pregnant" I pause and my eyes go wide, "oh my god Ronny that's amazing! How far along?"

My sister and her fiancée Blake have been trying to get pregnant for almost two years with little success "29 weeks" she answers her voice light and happy, the happiest I've ever heard her. "Do you know the sex?" I ask as I plate my food, I head back into the living room, my phone still on loud speaker "I do it's a girl" I smile "that's great Ronny I'm so happy for you" and I am truly she has always wanted a big family, "I want you to come up for the birth" she says and I laugh "you only want me there to instil all of my doctor knowledge on you" she laughs back and there is a pause "would you blame me?" I shrug and take a bite of my food "got any names yet?" I ask moving on.

"We are thinking Avery-Rose or Malia" I pull a face at that and look down at my phone in disgust even though she can't see me "those names are horrible" I can picture her eyes rolling right now "whatever" she says and there is a small comforting silence before she says quietly "I miss you" folding my legs I pick up my phone "I miss you too but um I'm on call and I just got paged so I've got to go" I lie. We say goodbye and I hang up the phone.

With all this talk of families it's brung up a lot of horrible memories and I go upstairs to my bedroom. I go inside my closet and kneel on the floor, my hands are shaking as I pry a loose floor bored up and bring out a box. My box of secrets, I open it and take out the letter. I move and sit down on my bed and I unfold it, I read it even though I don't need to I know the letter off by heart. It is the soul reason I moved away, I wipe my eyes of tears and try to keep my hands steady I am a surgeon for gods sake!

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now