Chapter 55

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I am back at home and heading into work

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I am back at home and heading into work. I greet Callie at the door and follow her up to the OR floor. In front of the door stands Bailey and the Chief "hey, who moved my surgery?" I ask noticing my appendectomy has been moved from 2:00 to 4:00, "mine too" Callie points out and we both look at the older man standing in front of us but he sighs and starts walking away "chief? Chief?" Callie calls but he doesn't even react.

"Don't" Bailey says "just don't. He's a wreck. He's disintegrating before our eyes. That's why men die earlier than women" I snort and the other woman steps forward "the boards a mess" I muse as all three of us stand in front of it. Bailey lets out a heavy breath "he can't lose Shepherd. I'd go talk some sense into him, but I've got too much on my plate" I frown and look at her "Derek still isn't back?" I ask and she shakes her head "nope hasn't been for a few days and Chief is starting to loose it"

Callie nudges my shoulder "have you tried calling him?" She asks us, I shake my head, since I've been in New York I haven't really had the time and Bailey replies "about a hundred times" Callie pouts as she thinks for a moment and Bailey looks at the two of us "oh you want us to go to the woods?" Callie asks "no I don't do woods. The woods are dirty and there are many, many bugs" but she continues to stare.

"What am I going to say to the guy? I barely know him" Callie says "why can't Andy go?" Bailey scoffs and gives Callie a look "Andy has just gotten back from New York, she has plenty on her plate right now. And you don't have to know him. You're surgeons, been through the same war. Just remind him we've all been there, we all came back" I chuckle and Callie looks so done already "you are kind of a bully you know that?" She says to Bailey who looks pleased with herself before turning and walking away.

Callie moves to leave as well and I stop her "hey, I'll come with you. I know how delicate this sort of thing can be" I say and she nods smiling at me, I smile back and we head out to the woods.

When we reach the place Derek has been staying I spy him sitting and drinking a beer "Jesus he looks rough" I say and we both get out of the car. We make our way closer, it looks like he hasn't slept in months even if it's only been a few weeks since all of his problems started "it's a little early in the day for that, don't you think?" Callie asks as Derek takes another swig of his beer. I notice more cans, probably empty on a table beside him "you sound like my mother" he says coldly, not looking at me with the same warmth he usually does "I met your mother" Callie says "I liked her"

I stand in front of him while Callie chooses a dirty fold out chair next to him. "Who sent you, Richard?" He asks and I shake my head "Bailey" this time he looks at me, he has coldness in his eyes and tiredness and I know he doesn't want to feel like this anymore, even if he won't accept help "of course" he mutters. Callie finally sits down and looks at Derek with a Bailey like intensity "I'm sorry about your patient" she says "I know how hard that can be. I had a patient a couple of years ago.... Uh young guy, 50 maybe. Simple knee replacement. He was post-op, he was fine. I even told his wife she could get him lunch. A simple knee replacement. Nothing. But he uh he'd been getting sort of breath. I put him on blood thinners for a post surgical PE. And it wasn't until he was vomiting dark blood, looking me in the eye, telling me he was dying did I figure it out"

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