Chapter 33

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Finding out your boyfriend has slept with someone else while filling your head with lies and that your boyfriends mistress is pregnant with his child isn't anything a woman wants to hear

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Finding out your boyfriend has slept with someone else while filling your head with lies and that your boyfriends mistress is pregnant with his child isn't anything a woman wants to hear. When I go back into the OR and re-scrub I try to detach myself from my emotions, the boy on my table won't benefit from my crying or my broken heart but he will benefit from my hands and the gift i was given. So that's what I do. I finish the procedure and send him up for observation.

As I'm scrubbing out that's when I let myself feel, I feel everything all at once. The heartache, the anger, the sadness, all of it and give myself time before I leave the room to compose myself and then I return to detachment. I can hear people calling to me, asking me to sign things and offer consults but it's all muffled, like I'm listening to everything with headphones on. "Andy!" I hear my name being called "Andy" then I'm being dragged into a supply closet, Izzie Stevens is standing in front of me concern lacing her features. I wipe my eyes "what do you want Stevens?" I ask and she puts a hand on my arm, "she isn't pregnant" she says, I frown "Rebecca isn't pregnant she is just crazy. Alex believe her but it isn't true" I push her hand away "how do you know?" She pauses unsure whether she should tell me "I gave her a scan, there isn't anything there" for some reason this doesn't make me feel any better.

I make for the door "thank you for telling me Stevens" I say and continue on my way. For some reason knowing that the pregnancy isn't real makes everything worse, it was stupid of me to get involved with Karev to begin with I knew what he was like and trusted him anyway. It was my own fault for getting hurt.


"Andy are you alright?" Derek asks coming onto my floor hours later, I look up from where I am writing in a chart "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I say simply because honestly I am. I had a moment, then I got over it. Derek leans against the nurses station looking over to me "I heard what happened. I know it's hard for you" I chuckle, placing my pen in my pocket and closing the chart "it isn't hard. Karev and I were barely a thing, if he wants to go and start a life with someone else that's ok" I brush past my friend and he grabs my wrist "you sure?" He asks looking deep into my eyes.

Derek can always read me even when I shut everything off, smiling I nod my head "yes Derek I'm sure" he lets go of my wrist and he starts to tell me about the clinical trial him and Meredith are working. It's pretty impressive I have to admit, I just know how much it sucks for Derek to work with Meredith on a friend basis.


Just as I am about to leave the hospital after my shift I see Alex sitting on a bench "what are you doing Karev? Go home" I say kicking his foot, waking him up. He jolts slightly and he jumps up from his seat, rubbing the sleep from his eyes "Andy can I talk to you?" He asks and I sigh pushing my bag higher up on my shoulder "five minutes" I say and we head outside for a little privacy.

"Izzie told me she told you" he says breaking the silence, I nod my head, keeping my hands in my pockets and watching as rain comes tumbling from the sky. Alex scratches the back of his neck nervously "I never wanted to be with Rebecca in the first place" I snort rolling my eyes "then why did you sleep with her?" I ask. It's an honest question, if he didn't want to be with her why did he sleep with her. "Because I was stupid and I thought I needed to prove to myself I hadn't changed" I look over to him then, his tone softening "I was scared that if I had changed it would have been because of you" I raise an eye brow in disbelief "so you are blaming me?"

He shakes his head going slightly red "no. That was poor phrasing. What I meant is that you changing me into a better man Andy. I didn't think it was possible, I thought I would mess it up and I guess I have but I would like the chance. To be a better man with you" my heart leaps from my chest but I don't want to make the same mistake that I did before so I grab my car keys out of my pocket and unlock my car "Alex, I'm going to need a lot more then spoken word from you" he nods his head solemnly and gives me a look of understanding "I will. I will prove I am a better man for you" I smile and make for my car "I hope you do Karev. I hope you do."

A/N: a short chapter because I needed to finish off the episode but what are your thoughts so far? Who's your favourite relationship with Andy?

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