Chapter 29

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"So um, he has a tumour?" His parents ask as they stand in his room, I nod my head and keep my focus on the task

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"So um, he has a tumour?" His parents ask as they stand in his room, I nod my head and keep my focus on the task. Saving this boy, "I am getting a Neuro consult and we should be able to take him up for surgery within the hour" I say before letting the parents spend time with their son. Lucky the bus crashed otherwise they never would have known about the tumour. I head for the scan room where my Neuro consult is waiting, it isn't Derek but anyone would be good right now.

"What have you got for me Doctor Tearney?" The man asks, his name is Doctor Franco and he is a total ass but he is good, not as good as Derek Shepherd. I clear my throat and hang up his scans "Male, 16 years old who has a huge tumour growing on the front lobe of his brain" I say putting the scans up. Franco comes forward to study them and I notice his jaw clench "this is a complex surgery Tearney, far out of my expertise maybe even Shepherds" I bite my lip and fold my arms, this wasn't the news I wanted to hear.

"You could go in through the back, try to..." I start but he cuts me off with a shake if his head, he places his hand over his mouth "it's too complex, there is no way to do it without killing him" I'm not excepting this so I grab the films and storm out. Determined to figure it out I find my interns and shove the films into their hands "you will not rest until you find a way to save this kid. Whoever figured it out gets to scrub in" and I watch as they scramble off, eager for a chance at a surgery.

I head back to Asher's room where they are all waiting anxiously "I just wanted to let you know that we are figuring out a game plan. Asher's tumour is very complex and the parts of the brain it is pressing down on are vital for him staying a person, we want to make sure we have everything planned out" the mum sags with relief against her husband and I turn to leave. As I do so however I see Doctor Franco standing at the nurses station talking to one of the nurses.

"Hey, did you tell the parents?" He asks as I also stand at the nurses station, I wince slightly but nod my head "yeah Um yeah I did" which isn't technically a lie, he didn't ask what I told them. He nods and pats me on the shoulder "I know it's hard saying those types of things to parents with such young children. But there isn't anything we can do" as he walks away I watch before one of the nurses clears his throat. I look down at where he is sitting in front of the computer, he has a knowing smile on his face and leans back in his chair "you told them you would find a way didn't you" he says and I go red, as I usually do when I'm caught out.

I reply with a cheeky smile and as I walk away I hear Charlie shout "you are going to get in trouble one day Andy" but I can hear the entertainment in his voice.


I am scrubbing in to a appendicectomy on a 13 year old when Alex comes bursting in. "I found a way to treat your 16 year old with a brain tumour" he says sounding out of breath, he made me jump and I am recovering from that but as I finish scrubbing my mind is whirring. We stand there for a few seconds, that stretch for hours until I grab a mask and head for the door into the OR "alright scrub in and fill me in on what you found" I say and head inside to my surgery.

Everyone gets ready and Karev stands the other side of the girl "ten blade" I say holding out my hand and Bokhee hands it to me. I cut into the girl and wait for Alex to start.

"So I was reading an article written by this doctor in Norway who had a case similar to yours" he starts as I continue with the surgery "he took an approach I've never seen...."


The appendix removal was successful and as she is being rolled up the recovery Alex and I are scrubbing out "I think that could work" I admit, I look over to where he is focusing on scrubbing his hands. The way he looks when he thinks no one is watching makes me wonder why anyone else would think he is evil but then I remember everything Meredith, Cristina and Izzie have said about him. He has never done anything bad to me so I won't hold a prejudice against him.

"What?" He asks smirking the cocky smirk he does, he slots it into place like a mask "nothing" I say shaking my head and grabbing some paper towels "since you found it, do you want to scrub in?" I ask. We dry our hands and head out into the hall "yeah sure, thanks" he says giving me a genuine smile and I frown "alright now go practice the procedure I don't want someone sloppy in my OR" he nods, saluting to me before heading away.

Once I reach the NICU I see Talon standing over a baby who was born a few hours ago, he has a super rare heart condition so he is doing a consult. "How is he doing?" I ask coming up next to the Cardio surgeon "good, his breath sounds are a little muffled so I would like to get him into surgery soon" I nod focusing on the little baby fast asleep below us "alright book an OR, I'll one of my surgeons to come and observe" I say before paging Millie Ashton.

When she reaches me on the peds floor she sounds out of breath "sorry I just came from a lymphadenectomy, what's up?" She asks panting slightly. I close the chart I am currently writhing in and order "Talon is doing an open heart surgery on a baby that was born today, I want you to go in and make sure nothing goes wrong" she nods and leans over "what are you working on?" She asks scanning the file. I slam it shut feeling slightly on edge "um a patient in recovery, just wanted to check the surgery notes" I say and quickly make a U-turn and leave because the file was Asher's and I don't want anyone snitching me to Franco.

When it gets to lunch I head down to the cafeteria to get some food, my stomach grumbling loudly. "Hey" Callie says as she catches up to me "hey" I answer letting my hands swing by my sides. "I have a mean hip replacement, wanna come see?" She offers and my face lights up. Ever since I met Callie she has let me stand and watch some of her surgeries which has caused a new appreciation for Ortho surgery.

We reach the cafeteria and she holds the door for me "I can't, I have a surgery this afternoon" Callie shrugs, placing her hands in the pockets of her lab coat "I can push it" i shake my head as he join the lunch cue "it might over run. It's a complicated surgery" Callie raises her eyebrows and I focus on my lunch "on a kid? What do they have?" Awkwardly I clear my throat and move on. "So you and George are really over huh?" I ask and that leads to a different conversation.

As we move to sit down we walk past the intern table and I hear Cristina say "ugh you get to scrub in on a cool, complex brain surgery just because you are sleeping with one of our bosses" I see Alex screw up his face and Meredith who throws a fry down on her plate says "I'm sleeping with an attending and I don't get cool surgeries" I try to cool my smile and reach our table. A few minutes pass before I hear Alex say "I'm not sleeping with Andy, plus even if I was she wouldn't just give me surgeries. She would make me work for it" Cristina snorts and throws a fry at him, it hits him squarely in the nose "don't underestimate the power of sex Evil Spawn"

A/N: sorry for not updating recently life has really been kicking my ass

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