Chapter 38

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I wake up early this morning so I have time to relax before I start my shift

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I wake up early this morning so I have time to relax before I start my shift. I file through my post that has just arrived, There is a fancy looking envelope and confused I open it,

You are invited to the wedding of

Arabella Tearney and Spencer Rowen

There is more information that I scan through before picking up my phone and texting my sister.

Andy: Of course I'm coming to your wedding idiot

Bella: thank god because you are one of my bridesmaids

Andy: so who proposed to who?

Bella: she did, it was so romantic I'll tell you all about it when you come to LA

I go to the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on, humming to myself mindlessly. I have a couple of surgeries today but nothing to take up a huge chunk of my time, honestly I am just happy to go in and see Derek and Mark. Alex and I have hardly seen each other the past couple of days, being a resident makes you really busy so I don't blame him but I still wish we had time to see each other. Once my coffee is done I pour it into a travel cup and head to work.


I am sitting with Mark in an on call room, he is looking at the magazine that has Derek's face all over the front cover "he is going to have an ego the size of this hospital" Mark complains and I snort, texting away to my sister who is head deep in wedding plans already "he isn't you Mark" he hits me playfully on the leg and I pretend to faint.

"God, I've been looking all over for you two" Callie says bursting into the room and looking slightly distressed. She shuts the door and sits on the bed opposite us "I had an early morning palatoplasty" Mark says his eyes still on the magazine, I finish my message and turn off my phone "I had a consult what's up?" I rest my chin on my hands giving my friend my undivided attention.

"You see this?" Mark asks completely oblivious "the Shepherd Method" the bitterness not hidden in his voice at all. "Yeah, impressive. Listen" Callie says running a hand through her dark hair "last night Erica...." Mark cuts her off, distracted by the magazine "do you think he airbrushes these pictures? The man does not have one pore" I sit up and snatch the magazine from his hand "pay attention" I say hitting him round the head with it and then throwing it behind me.

Mark pouts like a baby but let's Callie continue "last night Erica and I...." She seems to be working herself up to whatever she is going to say "we did it. Sort of" her face scrunches up and I can tell she wasn't pleased with what happened "congratulations" mark says. Callie shakes her head, still pulling a face "no, no, no. It was not good. At all. I choked. I..... couldn't go down there. I tried but it just felt so weird and clinical. Like gynie rotation" I snort and cover my mouth but the way she explained it was so funny.

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now