Chapter 16

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The next day I am packing up my things just as Doctor Bailey comes in "now what do you think your doing?" She asks placing her hands on her hips "I'm going to San Francisco" I tell her zipping up my suit case and placing it on the floor

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The next day I am packing up my things just as Doctor Bailey comes in "now what do you think your doing?" She asks placing her hands on her hips "I'm going to San Francisco" I tell her zipping up my suit case and placing it on the floor. She stands in front of the door guarding it "why would you do that?" She gives me the 'Doctor Bailey' look but I just sigh giving her a look right back "there is something wrong with my sisters baby and she needs the best to figure out what. I am the best now if you will excuse me" when she doesn't move I keep my hand in my case and glare at her "Doctor Bailey. Move" she sighs clearly seeing I was going leave no matter what "just be safe child" I nod shuffling past her "I will"

I manage to make it to the entrance just before I hear Derek "Andy? What are you doing out of bed?" I turn around "I'm leaving Derek. I need to leave my sister needs me" he looks solemn as he strides over to me "is this about Karev?" He asks and I scrunch up my nose "Karev? I said my sister needs me" Derek gives me a sheepish look and scratches the back of his neck "I over heard somethings last night when I came to check on you, don't worry I didn't tell anyone" I suddenly feel very sick but don't say anything I just brush past him to the doors.

As I leave I hear George say "Alex! Tell her not to leave, she listens to you" he snorts and I can feel him rolling his eyes "not my problem anymore" I roll my eyes too "asshole" I mutter and head for the taxi since my car was totalled in the accident. "The airport please" I say to the driver before we head out and I don't miss the look I receive from Alex as we drive away.


I arrive in San Fran to my parents picking me up at the airport "ah my beautiful Andromeda" my mum greats as they both embrace me "mama, father" I say and dad takes my case "ready?" He asks in his thick American accent, a stark contrast to my mums slightly Latin accent, from spending so much time over their and speaking the language I guess.

When we get in the car mum sits in the back with me and as we pull out of the airport parking lot she hits me on the arm "ouch" I say frowning and shifting away from her "you just had brain surgery, you should not be up and about" she warns. My mother is a beautiful woman, well she was once now her face is plagued with frown lines from years of service "I'm sorry mama but when Ronny text me saying there was something wrong I had to come" my mum hates it when we use our nicknames for each other "Veronica and the baby are fine there was no need to come all this way"

I huff and slump down which earns me another hit "don't slouch, you'll never get a husband if you slouch" lord give me strength.

We pull up at Ron and Blake's house where Blake is waiting on the front step "where is Ron-Veronica?" I ask him and he looks up, he as pale as a sheet his normal dark blonde hair is now pale, almost like the life was sucked out of him. "She's gone to the hospital, the baby. Somethings wrong" I shake my head and step back "why are you here and not at the hospital?" I ask and he is tearing up. He wipes his eyes and takes a breath "she doesn't want me there, we had an argument and she said - she said I was better use away from here" my heart breaks slightly but I turn around "we need to go to the hospital" my father didn't even get out of the car and soon we are racing for my sister.


She almost lost the baby and herself but thankfully they both survived. She named her Ava, a beautiful name, better then the others she had picked. I am sitting in a chair beside her bed rocking Ava gently "what happened Ronny?" I ask, mum and dad have gone down to the cafeteria to get food, she sighs and adjusts her blanket over her legs "I was speaking with Blake, well arguing really and he punched a wall. It frightened me and I stepped back but I was too close to the stairs and fell down" I grind my teeth but try to keep relaxed for the sleeping baby in my arms.

"I will kill that son of a bitch" I say and she shakes her head and offers out her hands, I place Ava in her arms "don't Andy please, it's fine, everything worked out fine" I check my phone, I have 7 new messages and 2 missed calls "is that the intern? The one you told me about?" She asks and I start to go red, shoving my phone in my pocket "no, he isn't exactly speaking to me" I admit sheepishly and she looks like she wants to hit and I don't blame her. "You do this all the time" Ronny tells me "you fall for a guy and then you self destruct. Let me guess you said 'find a new girl, find something else'" she imitates me and I laugh "that's not what I sound like" she raises an eyebrow "am I wrong?" Slowly I shake my head and she gives me a satisfied look.

a few days later I leave the hospital with my sister, she broke up with Blake and he moved out right away. Ashamed he was the one who caused this and afraid to see my wrath. I open the door and let her go inside first, mum and dad went back out to Spain when they knew Ronny was going to be ok. "Seriously Andy I'll be fine" she tells me as I shut the door, we head into the nursery and I watch as she places Ava in the cot "I know but I want to stay until you are settled in, I want to know you both will be ok" finally she gives in and I smile "Chinese take out for dinner" my older sister snorts "of course"

A/N: there will be a slight time jump which is why this chapter was short, I hope you guys are enjoying :)

Fallen Angel // Alex Karev Where stories live. Discover now