I Was a Teenage Abomination

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(Luz's POV)

Eda took me to some sort of beach she said she discoed something cool so I followed. "Well, Luz!" She elbows me "Did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breathtaking as this?"

Eda gestures to a corpse of some sort of slug that towers over us. It's surrounded by trash and Flies are buzzing around it.

I shake my head "I don't like this." I plug my nose to try and block out the horrible smell.

Eda walks to the trash slug "Yes, it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside." She pulls a rubber chicken out from the trash slug's mouth. "Until, blam, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then we get to sell the stuff it ate." Eda pulls out a pickaxe.

"Please don't make me."

King started walking away "Aw, come on, Luz." He unfolds a cute little towel with little ducks on it. "It's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass."

"Ah, nuts to you both." Eda swings the pick at the trash slug.

"So, Eda... What if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship? Like...Read ancient scrolls or mix together potions, or‐"

While tossing things from the trash slug's mouth "Ugh. That sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff."

"Wait. Is there a magic school here? Like, winding towers, cute uniforms, dark plots that threaten your life kind of magic school?"

"Mm‐hmm. (Y/n) goes there. What's worse, they force you to learn magic the "proper" way. But magic isn't proper. It's wild and unpredictable. And that's why it's so beautiful. (Y/n) knows that and that's why I let her go that and she needed a social lie. But hey I didn't finish school, and look at me! Who wouldn't envy where I am right now?" Eda is now standing in the trash slug "Uh... Hey, here's a lesson." Eda drops her pick "A great witch is resourceful," Eda takes my and sticks it in a puddle of trash slug bile. "like this." Eda drags my hand back and forth before letting go. I continue digging until I pull something out.

"Oh, hey. Greasy slime ball."

Eda closes my hands around the slime ball. "Use your slime ball wisely, young witch." Eda stands and heads back for the trash slug. "Back at it! We'll hit the stink nodes first."

"Actually, if it's okay," I start backing away, "I think I'll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still alive. Love you, King." I pet his adorable belly, and King does a cute little giggle. "You little beach peach."

Eda shrugs "More for me, then." She climbs into the trash slug, sending several things clattering. "There we go. Okay." She tosses out a cheese grater, an electric fan, and a tuba, the last of which lands on King's head. I hear him say 'ow' before I'm out of earshot.

"Ugh! If magic's all about digging for slime balls, maybe I don't have the stomach for it." I put the slime ball in my pocket. I walk back to the owl house and see (Y/n) walking outside and towards my direction.

"Hey (Y/n) where are you headed?" I asked when she got closer.

"Oh hi Luz, you done with Eda already?"

"Oh um yeah Eda's lessons are wired so I just came home."

"Eda's lessons may be strange but they teach you so much and you should really pay attention."

"Wait are you going to magic school?"

"Uhh yeah, why?"

"Please can I come with you?"

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