Separate Tides

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((Y/n)'s POV)

I sat on the couch in the living room, Luz was upstairs with King and Eda was who knows where, Lilith was upstairs as well.

I was reading a book, I'd be doing more to help if I could but the current state of my leg wasn't going to allow much movement anymore.

I sighed as I stared at it. It didn't hurt anymore but it rendered me pretty useless, I couldn't help with bounties or pretty much anything I used to.

Luz came in, from the kitchen, holding her phone up, she was talking to it, which was strange but I don't know, I'm pretty used to it by now.

She came up and sat next to me. "And this is (Y/n). She's Eda's daughter, she's really nice and she and I have become good friends"

I wrap my arm around her. "Have we now?"

"I think so"

"What are you up to anyway Luz?" I asked Luz hit a button on her phone and then placed it in her lap.

"Oh you know, just making a video for my mom, I miss her"

"I get it, if I were separated from Eda, I don't think I would be doing very well either"

"It's okay, I'm doing okay" she got up, I'm going to go up and check on Lilith.

"Okay Luz, see you later than" she stood up and walked up the stairs.

Suddenly I heard something fall in the kitchen, that was probably Eda. I got up and started carefully walking to the kitchen.

Inevitably I fell over my leg and came down with a thud. I groaned, it's not the first time I've fallen and it most certainly won't be the last.

After a second I started pushing myself up only to be helped up by Eda. "Hey kid take it easy"

"I just fell, it's not like I ran a marathon, I've fallen before" Eda helped me up

"Still" Eda started

"I'm honestly okay" I stood leaning on Eda for support. "What were you doing in the kitchen?" I asked curiously

"Trying to do magic, not going well" she sighed "it's alright though, want to help me outside I want to improve my bounty hunter gear"


Eda helped me walk a little before I let go and started carefully walking by myself. We walked outside and Eda started making some sort of spear. I sat on a rock near there when Luz came out with King.

She came over and sat by me, then pulled out her phone and hit a button. "Even though Eda gets frustrated, she's found new ways to make up for her lost powers."

"Check it, Kids! A new hunting weapon. I will call her the Stab-Catcher." Eda showed off the weapon

"Without the portal, Eda has no human garbage to sell. So, we've resorted to working odd jobs to keep food on the table."

"Hey, King, did you know that apple is a hat?" She aimed the Stab-Catcher at King who was standing in front of a target.

"Really?" He puts an apple on his head.

"King! Hey, no! King!" Luz shouts as she drops her phone, and rushes to get King out of harm's way. "This week we're bounty hunters. Next week we could be anything."

After Luz went back inside with King, Lilith came out of the house and started helping Eda load up a cart of the bounties that had been collected.

Eda faced the house. "Luz!" Luz pokes her head out the window. "Time to bring these bad boys to market!"

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