Escape of the Palisman

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((Y/n)'s POV)

Eda, King, and Luz all went to the Slayground but I decided to stay home. I don't feel like going out today so I just sat on the floor of the living room playing solitaire.

Suddenly the door opened and Hooty came over to me. "Whatcha playing (Y/n)?"

"It's a human game called solitaire"

"Why didn't you go to the Slayground with King, Eda, and Luz. You usually love going there and watching King"

"I uhh don't know Hooty guess I just didn't really feel like going out today"

Just then, Eda, Luz, and King came into the house. Eda tosses her staff to the couch, she yawns, flops facefirst onto the couch

"I'll go get your elixir," Luz said

Eda's voice is muffled "Don't worry about it. I'll get it myself in a bit."

"Do you need me to stay home and take care of you?" She gasped "I could put King in a little doctor's outfit." Everyone looks at King, who looks up from a stack of paper.


"No one wants to see that," I say as I look up from my cards.

"I do."

"Look, I know how to take care of myself. I've had this curse longer than you've been alive."

"So, how'd you get it?" Luz asked

Eda grunted, "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Somebody gave it to me. I don't know who and I don't care because I'm fine, all right? Anyway, don't you have plans with Tweedledum and Twerpledee?"

"Well, Willow, Gus, and I are going to the Grudgby game between Hexside and Glandus High."

Eda screws Owlbert back onto the staff "Since when are you into sports?"

"Since I found a little something called 'Hexside Pride.' Something (Y/n) doesn't have since she doesn't want to go. "She grunts "To think that Glandus, whoever they are, would dare face us. But if you need me to stay..."

"Gross. Sympathy. Go! Go have fun at sport."

"Wait hold on its not that I don't have 'Hexside Pride' as you call it I just don't go to school events and I have my reasons why"

"Right sorry anyway...Hooray! Hooray for sport! Hugs and kisses, King." She kisses his skull "Mwah!...Don't spend all night plotting revenge." She sing-songed.

"That drooly‐faced heathen will know my wrath," King replied.

I had just finished picking up all my cards and I picked up my bag and put them in it then put the bag around my shoulder.

"Hey Eda I'm going out for a while"

"Why kid? You didn't want to go to the Slayground because you didn't feel like leaving the house today what changed?"

"Nothing...yet" I whispered the last part but Eda looked up at me and before she could say anything I ran out the door grabbing my cowl on my way out.

I walked through the wood until I was far enough from the house. I stopped and put my cowl on and put the hood up.

Just as I was about to start walking again a little green frog hopped in front of me. Well, it kind of hopped and limped like it was hurt. I picked it up and examined it and noticed that the frog's little leg was hurt. I carried it to a log and set it down gently.

I pulled down my hood after a looked around to make sure nobody was around. "Hey little guy I'm going to help you but I uhh don't know if it's going to work"

I cast the spell circle and it formed a ring around the frog. I watched as the hurt part of his leg healed and the ring faded.

The frog jumped up and down a few times then hopped up on my shoulder. I giggled a little. "Well, I guess your better aren't you." The frog did a little nod. "Well, I guess you can go back to your life now" the frog shook his head. "No?"I thought for a second. "You want to stay?...with me?" The frog nodded. "Alright them"

I put my hood up and we walked into town. Eventually, the frog jumped down into the open side pocket of my back.

"Do you have a name?" The frog nodded. "Well, how am I supposed to figure that out" I looked around for a second and spotted a rack of those licenses plates with names on it.

"I know this is a long shot but maybe your name is on here" I grabbed the frog and held him in front of the rack and started to spin it. At one point the frog started to move so I stopped spinning the rack and moved the frog closer. He put his hand on the sign that said 'River'

"River is that your name?" River nods his head and I smile. "It's a nice name" I put River back in the pocket of the bag and start walking away.

Just then I see a familiar face walking around the market. It was no other than Amity Blight. Uhhh why is my life like this and not just Amity her siblings too. I quickly turn away and walk as fast as I could and I hid behind a stand.

"Ugh why are you two so clingy" I hear Amity say.

"Because we need to protect you because we are supper sorry about what happened in the library"

"Protect me from what? A book coming to life and you two weren't there"

"Mom and Dad," the twins say in unison 

"We have something against them but you have no idea what they're capable of," Emira said there was a small silence.

"Doesn't explain why you tagged along now though"

"To annoy you"

Their voices faded as they walked away. I came out of hiding and started walking back to the owl house.

When I finally got home Luz was sitting on the couch with Owlburt.

"Hey, Luz where is Eda?"

"Her room I think"


I walk up to her room. River hopped up to my shoulder as I walked into her room.

Eda was staring at four empty elixir bottles are sitting on her side table. Then she coughed and picked up a bottle "The elixir... It isn't working on the curse anymore. This is bad." She coughed and vomits "When did I swallow a swing?"

I dropped my bag making a loud thump. Eda quickly turned around. "What do you mean the elixir isn't working anymore?"

"(Y/n) everything is going to be alright" I subconsciously grab my arm and look away from Eda. "(Y/n) can I ask you something?" I look at Eda and nod. "Are you afraid of me"

I shake my head "no I'm not scared of you...I'm scared of what you become...I'm scared that one day you'll turn into the owl beast and you'll stay that way...I'm scared that you won't remember me and I'll lose the only mother figure I have."

"Hey come here (Y/n), do that parallel arm thing" Eda held out her arms for a hug. I spent no time tuning into her arms. "I'm not going anywhere (Y/n) I promise. No matter how hard things get I'll find my way back okay?" I nod and I hug Eda again.

Once I pull away I hold River in my hands. "Hey, Eda this is River I met him in the woods can we keep him?"

"Sure kid"

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