Adventure in the Elements

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((Y/n)'s POV)

We were all just hanging in the Owl House living room. Luz is reading a pamphlet about Hexside, labeled "Hexside Facts and Trivia." It has a picture of Principal Bump on the back along with his quote, 'Education is the real magic.'

"King, listen to this!"

King was laying on Luz's stomach. "Hey! Less ready, more scratchy!"

Luz sits up "Sorry! Now that I'll be a student at Hexside, I wanna learn all about it! I've got a new crush, and her name is Education!"

King bites the pamphlet "Nyah!"

Eda kicks the front door open. "Hey, freeloaders! Guess what today is?"

"Is it your birthday!?" Luz said

"Is it my birthday?" King asked

"Is it (Y/n)'s birthday?" Luz asked again

"It's my birthday!" Hooty said.

"No!" She closes the front door. "It's human treasure day!" Eda tosses the Portal Door into the air. It unfolds and opens. Owlbert flies through, dragging a giant sack. The sack tears when he flips it onto the floor, revealing a pile of human garbage. The door closes. Eda hops onto the pile "Ahh, fresh garbage."

"Ooo, gimme gimme gimme!" King pulls out a teddy bear "Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror!" The toy said 'I love cuddles and kisses!' "Truly horrifying!" King said happily

Eda looked to Luz and me. "Yo, kids. Your trash pile's getting cold. While mine's getting hot!" She pulls out a wire clothes hangar. "I have never seen such an extravagant earring."

"You can have my trash. Whoa! Did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school? One it literally conquered!" Luz shows me the pamphlet, showing a picture of a much younger Principal Bump standing on various Glandus students, being cheered on by fellow Hexside students. The school burns behind them.

Eda is now wearing two clothing hangars as earrings and looking in a mirror. "Yes I know all these things, I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life." Eda looks to her reflection "Oh, hello!"

"Can you imagine it! Me, in the halls of Hexside," she looks at me. "studying with you, Willow and Gus and- maybe even Amity! Amity! Oh, cramity! We're supposed to meet so I can get my Azura book back!" She runs out, slams the door; reopens the door "I love you guys!"

"And I love you, Lu--!" Hooty started before Luz slams the door again. "Aaah!"

"Eh, who needs her?"

"Yeah! This bear could be our new Luz." The toy spoke again 'Being without you is just unbearable.' King gets irritated "No!" He throws the toy. "You're unbearable!"

"Was it just me or did luz say she was going to meet up with Amity Blight?" I asked as Eda looks at me.

"Nah you heard right, she's meeting up with little miss perfect to get her book back. There meeting in the market thoght"

"Oh...okay just as long as they don't come back here I'm okay"

"I know now come here and help with all this treasure"

"Alright" I get up from my spot on the couch and go help Eda with whatever she needs.

-Time Skip-

Eda and I eventually made our way into the kitchen. Something about Eda wanting to make vegetables cook themselves or something.

Eda pulls out a book titled 'Bending Ingredients to Your Will.' Eda starts humming "Wow, a surprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When will it be ruined?"

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