Echoes of the Past

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((Y/n)'s POV)

So Eda got me a pair of crutches, and by got I mean she probably found them in the trash, which is fine they help me walk, and it's the thought that counts. My whole situation is just like wearing a cast, a 100-pound stone cast.

Anyway, I decided today that I was going to go to the market and library.
I wanted to hang out a little with Amity. We both had agreed that we needed to get to know each other a little bit more. This meet-up was Amity's Idea, and who was I to complain,  I told her that I would be what she wanted me to be. 

We've been growing closer, little by little, and I'm truly happy about this. I used to blame her for what happened, a really long time ago. I don't anymore, I blame nobody but Odalia and Alador. I didn't choose to be abandoned. Edric, Emira, and Amity didn't choose to lose a sibling that day. The only choice that was made was Odalia and Alador's choice to leave me on that street corner. 

Anyway, I was walking through the market with River on my shoulder. I really would have thought River would have hoped off by now, but he sort of just stayed with me. I didn't mind though, he was always there reminding me I'm not alone. 

I walked passed many different stands, none piquing my interest very much, I paused and waved hi when I passed Morton but then just decided to go straight to the library.

After I entered the library, I took off my hood. I made my way to the children's section but did not find Amity reading to the kids like normal. I decided that I was just going to sit at one of the tables, I was exhausted from walking all the way there. Once I sat down and set the crutches on the floor under the table so that they would be out of the way. After a second of looking around and analyzing everything in the room, I pulled out my scroll, to text Amity.

"(Y/n)" I look up to find Amity's smiling face, looks like she beat me to it. 

"Hey Amity, where did you come from? I didn't see you in the children's section or anywhere else in the library?" I asked her confused. 

"Oh, I was in my study room" She waved me to follow as she turned around. "Come on we can go hang in there so to speak" She started walking away. I bent down to get my crutches and when I got back up Amity had walked a bit away.

I waited for a second after I got situated. Amity paused and turned around. She smiled awkwardly and walked back over to me. She had a bit of a guilty look on her face. 

"Sorry, I forgot about-uhh" She paused thinking of a word probably so as not to offend me in some way.

"Stone leg" I finished for her. "It's alright Amity, you can say it as it is" We walked in silence to the romance sections where Amity pulled a book and the shelf slid open.

It was a cozy little study room with a few beanbags and a desk. Amity sat a the desk and I started walking towards one of the beanbags. Though in true fashion I tripped over something and crashed onto the beanbag and dropped my crutches in the process. 

"(Y/n)-" I heard Amity start but I just started laughing at myself. 

I turned myself lover still laughing. I looked at Amity and she looked a little concerned and confused, probably because I just laughed at myself falling face-first into a beanbag, but it just made me laugh harder.

"How do you do that?" Amity asked.

I looked at her a little confused after my laughter stopped completely. "Do what?" I asked her.

"How can you laugh at the face of such a horrible situation, your entire leg is petrified," Amity gestured to my leg  "and your laughing?" Amity asked. 

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