Witches Before Wizards

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((Y/n) POV)

I woke up to Eda shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see I was in the living room. I turn to face Eda and she has a worried look on her face.

"Morning Eda" I get off the couch and walk up the stairs towards my room, which I guess is Luz's room too now. I pass by a window and it's still really early but I really don't care. I'm about to open the door when Eda stops me I guess she was following me.

"Kid why were you sleeping on the couch. Does it have something to do with Luz?" Eda asked in a whisper. I shrugged.

"I was talking to Hooty last night and I guess fell asleep on the couch, no big deal. I need to get ready for school now though" I quietly open the door and go inside. Luz is sleeping with King at the end of what Luz called her sleeping bag. I grab my uniform and walk back out of the room. Eda is still standing outside the room. 

I walk past her and into the bathroom and change into my uniform. I'm on the healing track but Eda still teaches me all kinds of magic. I come out of the bathroom and walk down to the kitchen. Eda is waiting for me. "Kid promise me that if something is wrong you'll tell me okay. The owl house is supposed to be your safe place I want to make sure it stays that way but you have to tell me if somethings bugging you."

"Honestly Eda I'm fine. I'm going to get an early start and head to school. I'd promise I'd help a friend. Bye Eda" I walk out of the kitchen and then the front door. I say goodbye to Hooty and start walking towards Hexside.

As I walk closer to the school I hear two familiar voices. I put my hood up and walk towards them. When I finally see them I come up to them. "Willow! Augustus!" The two of them turn around at the sound of my voice.

"(Y/n)!" they said at the same time as they both come up and hug me. I hug them back.

"I'm so glad your back you've been off for like ever," Augustus said and the hug ended.

"Yeah Eda needed help with the stand and King was upset about his crown but everything should be okay"

"But you were supposed to come back yesterday we were worried something happened," Willow said

"I know but something came up last minute and I wasn't able to come sorry"

"What happened?"

I can feel my smile fading a little. I take a deep breath and look over to Augustus "promise you won't scream?" He nods. "A human came through the portal"

Willow and Augustus laugh a little "you're joking right?"

"Yeah there is no way"

"Suit yourself you can believe me or not, I couldn't care less. Anyway I'm going to get to class"

I walk into the school with Willow and Augustus behind me talking about humans. Well, mostly Augustus ranting to Willow.

I walk to my locker making sure to keep a lookout for certain people. So far so good I open my locker and grab the book I needed and the three of us walked towards the cafeteria.  We sit at a table and I help Willow with her abominations project that is due tomorrow. 

"Uh, why I'm I even on this track I don't even like abominations," Willow said in frustration. 

"Yeah I honestly think your more fit for the plant track, no offense" 

"No you're right I'd much rather be in plant track but my parents wanted me to be on this tack" 

"Ok well I think you're going to get it by tomorrow good luck" 

"Yeah I hope so, It's bad enough I still get called half-a-witch I really don't want to embarrass my self" 

"Your full-witch Willo and you will ace this project" 

"Thanks (Y/n)" 

The bell screamed and we all went to class. Most of the day went by okay nothing eventful. The bell screamed for lunch and I was the last to leave my classroom. I walk down the halls to a certain set of lockers. I do a little knock code and no less than a minute later the lockers open revealing Jerbo. 

"Hey Jerbo" 

"Hey (Y/n), here to have lunch with us?" 

"Yeah if that's alright" 

"Of course" 

We walk into the secret room area and Viney, Barcus, and Jerbo are all in the center. I sit next to them. 

"Thanks for letting me eat with you guys" 

"Yeah no problem but you still haven't told us who you're avoiding out there" Viney answers 

"Why do you think there is someone I'm avoiding?" 

"Kind of obvious" Jerbo said. 

"Well, you'll be lucky if you ever found out because that's a part of my life that only me, king, and Eda know about. I plan to keep it that way sorry guys" 

The four of us keep talking till lunch ended and the rest of the day went on. The final bell screamed and I said goodbye to Willow and Augustus and I walked back to the owl house. Hooty was asleep and I just walked inside. 

"Eda! King!" no response, weird. I walk up to Eda's room and nothing I check everywhere in the house even the basement. Nobody's home. This is getting really weird.  Maybe Eda's at the stand but she shouldn't be today. 

I walk to the market and don't see Eda's stand and I start to panic I run back to the owl house still nobody is home.  I can feel my breathing speed up and tears in the corners of my eyes. 

"No please not again" I didn't realize but I started crying. "Please don't leave me" 

I hear the front door open and it Hooty. "(Y/n) are you alright?" 

"E-Eda" I try and steady my breathing "W-where is Eda?" 

"I don't know she went somewhere with Luz and King" My breathing speeds up again. 

There is a noise from outside of the house but it is muffled.

(No POV)

Eda, King, and Luz get off the magic staff and walk towards the front door when Hotty comes up to Eda. 

"Eda something wrong with (Y/n)"

Eda becomes very serious and rushes inside the house to find (Y/n) on her knees trying to control her breathing. 

"(Y/n), it's me, Eda, I'm right here." (Y/n) looks up then launches at Eda and cries into her shoulder. Eda hugs her back "Don't worry kid I won't leave you" 

Luz and King watch from the open door. Luz is about to go in but King stops her. "King, what's wrong with (Y/n), is she alright?" 

"(Y/n) gets anxiety whenever she doesn't know where Eda is but if you want to know more about it your going to have one of them, it's not my story to tell"

"Oh is there anything else that I should know" 

"Yeah that there is only on rule of this house and that's that no-" 

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