Eda's Requiem

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(Eda's POV)

I have been up for a while, it's because I'm worried about (Y/n) she hasn't come home since our argument. I'm worried about her and I don't even know what's going on with her because she won't talk to me. I know she is struggling with her leg and I know she is struggling with the Blights, but if she doesn't talk to me I don't know how to help.

Even if I am on paper it says I'm her mom I don't know how to be one, maybe she just doesn't need me anymore. I know she needs help but I'm not the person she wants help from, she doesn't want help from anyone no matter how much she needs it, and I don't know what to do.

I was sitting on my vanity not being able to sleep and I just started writing my to-do list down, I just needed to keep myself busy. As I was writing I heard something like a yelp and then a thud. I turned around quickly to find (Y/n) who had fallen and landed in my nest.

I rushed over to her, "(Y/n) are you alright?" She sat up and looked around the room slightly before her eyes locked on me. She didn't respond as she just stared at me, and the frightened look on her face. But after she stared for a moment she looked down, and I heard her sniffle slightly.

I got in the nest and sat next to her. I wanted to hug her but I know how she is sometimes with physical touch so I just sit next to her, letting her know I'm there. She slightly leaned over and hugged me tightly. I don't know what happened, I don't know where she was, all I know is that in the moment I will be there for her and just hold her tightly hopefully letting her know that I will never let go.

After what seemed like hours, she pulled away and her cries had quieted, she looked up at me and whipped her eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

She just nodded her head. "I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier, there has just been a lot going on lately. I'm sorry I never ask for help even if I need it, I'm just scared that if I get too close, if I open up to you, you'll see how messed up I am and I'll end up on the corner again"

"I won't ever leave you on that corner, I promise you that. We're all a little messed up here, that's what makes us a family" She smiled at me before hugging me again. "Do you want to talk about where you ended up?'

"The Blight mansion" she started, there was a spark of hatred that lit deep within me, if those assholes did anything to my kid they are going to regret it."It's okay though because Alador and Odalia weren't there, just Amity" I felt a little better but still something must have happened.

"You guys are friends right?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yeah we are, she was home alone and when I got there it was nice to just talk to her for a minute," I can tell she's choosing her words carefully but this is the most open she has been in a while so I choose to simply ignore it for the moment "Then when I was going to leave I couldn't find River anywhere so we ended walking around the house trying to find him. While we were looking we passed a portrait I used to be in but I wasn't, and then we went to the hallway where my old room used to be and it was gone, they were both being masked by concealment stones, Odalia and Alador have completely erased me from their home, like I never existed to them. It hurt me a lot more than I thought it would. I thought I had come to terms with the fact that they had erased me but seeing it, I don't know just felt wrong. Then we actually went into my old room and I found this drawing I drew when I was little, and it was of me and Alador, and in that moment I remembered how close I was with him and it felt like I was being abandoned all over again" (Y/n) finished, I stood up out of the nest and held my hand out for (Y/n)

"Come on I think I have an idea" She took my hand and with a little support we were able to get over to my vanity. River now rested on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Look at these" I pointed to the many pictures I had on my vanity. One from Grom with the four of us. Then another of just me and (Y/n), then there were a few other pictures from some of the achievements that (Y/n) had done throughout the years all proudly displayed on my vanity for me to look at every day,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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