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You had been snowboarding your entire life with your brother and your dad, when your dad passed away you and your brother stopped and since your mother grew up in Japan that's where you were moving. you never really had many friends so it was okay for you but your brother was a little more hesitant, you can't snowboard if there's no snow and where you guys were moving there is none.

you were sitting in your room laying on your bed, you didn't get any sleep as you were too nervous for your first day of school. your brother Langa walked in

"hurry up we're gonna be late on our first day." you roll out of bed and get ready.

the teacher stands up when he notices the 2 of you in the doorway.

"I'd like to introduce our new students to the class" you hear everyone whispering

"he's cute, where are they from, he might be cute but look at them" the teacher clears his throat

"Tell them who you are"

"uh. I'm Langa Hasegawa"

"and I'm Y/N Hasegawa nice to meet you"

"nothing else" your poor brother looks so confused.

"like what? we're here from Canada"

"is that all?" oh god.

"um he's not very good at introductions so hi y'all we're from Canada and for all the ladies and some of the men yes he is single" Langa slapped me at my last comment.

Langa had a job interview so you decided to cruise around on your skateboard looking for something to do. you ended up at this Italian restaurant and walked in. you just wanted to check the place out but you saw a familiar face.

"Kojiro is that you?"

"Y/N what are you doing here you live like halfway across the world"

"well my dad died so we decided to move here where my mum grew up"

"that's great now I get to bug you all the time and I can teach you more skateboarding tricks in person."

"yeah thanks for that by the way it helped me think of something other than my dad"

"no worry's Y/n your like a little sibling to me I'm so glad I met you on the skateboarding chat room"

"wait if I'm here does that mean I get to go to S with you?"

"Sure I don't see why not"

"yay thank you Kojiro but I better get going I need to get Langa from his job interview."

"All alright by Y/N there's a match at S tonight so meet here at 11:00 alright?" 

"Okay, you got it" I left the restaurant and headed to where Langa told me to meet him. when I got there I recognized the name on the building. he was trying to work for Kaoru but he doesn't hire minors. Langa can't know I know shit about these people so I'll pretend to not know. Langa walks out of the building.

"How was the interview?" I asked

"oh I didn't get it, he doesn't hire minors"

"oh, that's sad. oh well, let's go" we are getting ready to walk a skateboard rolls by, I put my foot on it to stop it as some boy yells

"hey can you stop that skateboard!" I pick it up and hold it as the boy runs over. he has red hair and his arms in a cast.

"you saved my butt thanks new kids" wait what he goes to our school? Langa looks confused as well.

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now