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i couldnt stop thinking about last night, Joe and I sprinting down to Cherry, getting in Shadows car, going to the hospital, im sad i missed Miya and Snakes beef but Cherrys more important, the whole night is blurry. Leaving the hospital, Cherry sneaking out cuz hes a stupid peice of shit, Reki.., REKI, holy shit he saw my tattoo, the same one he has. oh shit thats not good. I will be avoiding him all day.

after making sure Cherry was okay for the 100th time, i finally headed off to school and luckily for me, Reki wasnt there, but it put me in a bad mood and i ended up skipping

too be fair all i did was go skating for hours, i met some kids, im not to bothered to learn their names but they seemed like cool people. i got bored eventually and pulled out a marker,

'hey Reki, wanna know who i am? go to the skatepark you always go to, ill be there'

and then i waited hours and hours and he never showed, i was disappointed. i stayed at that skatepark for hours and hours but when Langa showed up i left, i dont know why but i didnt want to speak to him.

i went home and layed in bed all night, not sleeping, just laying there staring at the wall, I like Reki a lot but idk whats gonna happen, especially now that him and Langa are fighting. I heard Joe come in at some point but that didnt matter, i didnt leave my room, at one point i realized i had been crying and then i looked at my arm,

'Langa? is that you, are you really my soulmate? is that why you know so much about me?"

'you think im Langa?'

'yeah well you said to go to the skate park and when i was there you, or Langa was there and nobody else was'

'Im not Langa'

'oh, alright then i guess' he seemed sad that im not Langa

'is it really that bad that my brother isnt your soulmate?'

'your brother? Y/N??'



"im not Y/N lol i just Know Langa and hes kinda like my brother"

"oh alright then" i dont know wh yi didnt tell him but i didnt want to mess things up more.

when i realized i wasn't going to get any sleep i went out and made coffee and left a note for Joe

hey Joe

couldnt sleep so i went skating lol i will see you later probably, tell Cherry to get better and you need to go confess already, have a good day

- Y/N

and then i took off.

nothing was open because it was only 3:30 in the morning so i did what any sane person would do, i broke into a convenient store and grabbed a slushie before leaving, i made sure to leave cash on the counter for the store owner aswell, i went to the old railroad and went along the side of the tracks till i reached a tunnel, there were some kids there, they also all had skateboards but they also had spraypaint, of course i was going to spraypaint something. i walked over to one of the guys there

"ayo, you think i could borrow some of that spraypaint?"

"yeah sure, why?"

"wanna let everyone know that Lightning is better than them"

"oh you a fan of lightning?"

"i am lightning" his face gained a shocked look

"holy shit bro thats sick"

"yeah now can i have the black and yellow, gotta keep to my theme y'know"

"yeah, here" he handed me the paint and i got to work

"so i guess an introduction is in order, Im Mika and this is my crew, Jess, Nav and Oscar"

"nice to meet you guys, im Lightning but you can call me Y/N"

"so Y/N, will we be seeing you a lot,"

"probably not but if you ever see me just say hi"

"even at S?"

"yep, im not like Joe or Cherry, im not gonna ignore you cuz im all scary and shit"

"hahah can we see what your drawing"

"yep just let me finish this- and done"
it was a black cloud that said 'Lightning was here' in big yellow letters,

"wait can someone give me red?" i dont know who but someone tossed the red to me and i wrote smaller next to it, 'if your name is Reki, i like you" i only wrote that because i knew he would never see it.

"bro do you mean Reki Kyan?"

"yeah why?"

"he used to come round here all the time, hes probably gonna see that, hes supposed to come up here tomorrow"

"well then i'll make sure to avoid him for the next 2 days, heres my number call me if he comes up" and like that i skated off to go enjoy the sunrise at dope sketch,

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now