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Cherry and I were standing in the crowd waiting for Adam to show up. Then he did.

"Hey bitches and Bros and non-binary hoes and now are you all ready to discover the truth, which one of us love skating the most and who receives the skating gods blessing"
He clicked his fingers and all the names showed up on there but what confused me was that mine was there? Even though I didn't sign up.

Cherry blossom,

I looked to Cherry

"What the hell, why is my name there"

"I don't know Y/N, I don't know"
I looked back up.

"Well then lets get on with the show"
He pulls a card out from the box.



"And up against him is Lightning"
Oh shit. Good thing I brought my board though I only brought it so I could sit on it.

We line up at the starting line.

"I hope you know I won't go easy Y/N"

"Then I won't go easy on you Shadow"

The lights go




And we take off.
As we're skating its neck and neck until Shadow shines a laser in my face. I don't look over and keep going causing him to slow down confused as to why it didn't bother me at all.

He starts to catch up but I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well. As we turn a corner I get as close to him as possible and run him off the track. I feel kinda bad about it but I shrug it off and race to the finish line before Shadow can get back up.

"Lightning wins the first round."

Adam pulls another Card

"Ohhh Snow! My heart is pounding with envy which one of you contestants get to skate against that act, on please be me I hope it's me, and the lucky opponent is...oh whatever"
Oh, it's Joe.

They line up and the lights go




It's amazing, it's dead even until the corner.

Joe turned up a rock and dented the rock,

"How did he not break his leg"

"Only a bronze power of muscles can do that someone like Joe"

"Hah Cherry you called him Joe"
I didn't hear his reply to that because a saw a flash of Red hair and took off after it.

I followed the red hair boy around for a minute before he turns around and as soon as he does I pounce on him.

"Reki oh my God Reki I thought it was you"

"Let go Y/N"

I let go

"Oh I'm sorry your probably still mad at me and shit okay I probably just made things worse"

"You lied to me"


"You told me you didn't enter the tournament"

"I didn't I swear I had no clue my name would be up there I didn't even compete in the first round I don't know how or why Adam put my name there I swear"

"But you have your board"

"I was going to sit on it and do tricks while I was waiting for everything to happen but now I'm racing apparently"

"You promise"

"I promise"
Reki pills me into another hug

"I missed my best friend"

"I missed you to Reki"

"I see your tattoo bandage is off it looks cool, too bad I can't see the other one it's covered by your shirt"

"Are you saying you want to see me shirtless Reki"

"No that's not what I meant, I meant like cuz your tattoo is on your ribs and it probably looks cool and I don't even know what it is"

"It's alright"

"Also I have a tattoo as well, it's on my ribs like yours is, my soulmate got it"

"That's cool" heh

"Yeah actually when I meet my soulmate do you think you could say hi to them or something I think they're a fan"

"I don't know"


"I'll think about it Reki don't worry"

"Thank you also have you met your soulmate because normally people don't get big tattoos in areas people can see unless both agree on it"

"Oh it's the special inc that doesn't show up on your soulmate so my soulmate only has the one on my Ribs"

"Oh that's cool and confusing"

"Hey do you want to be there when I get my next tattoo I'm thinking a hear with the letters L and R next time I go"

"Yeah but why take me and why L and R"

"Oh, I found out after my last tattoo that it's easier if I have someone to hold my hand and it's a surprise."


"Okay well Langa and Joe are coming up to the halfway point so we should pay attention."

"Yeah okay"

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now