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Langa and I had met up and were waiting for Reki to join us. It was an awkward silence.

"Hey Langa"

"I think I found my soulmate"

"Who is It"

"Oh I think it's-" I was cut off by Reki showing up.

"Hey where we going"

"Oh we were thinking the big wood course"

"Sounds good"

When we got to the hangover Reki jumped on the rail and slid down I followed after and did a one-handed handstand grabbing onto the rail before flipping down and landing on my board and Langa went up an entire wall. Show off.


Reki finally had his arm wrap off so I could see if he was really my soulmate.

When we got to the big wood course after school we sat there watching Langa as he did some of his moves. I took out my pen and drew a smile on my wrist and when I looked Reki had one too. Wait that means he's my soulmate who likes his friend, oh God DOES HE LIKE LANGA??

As everyone was cheering Langa on Reki smirked.

"Everyone loves him"

"I don't know you're gushing over it"

"The only thing anyone knows about you these days is that your his and Lightnings friend or maybe their groupie"

"Who cares if I'm their friend and what the heck is a groupie"

"That's funny groupie"

"It's like your new nickname is the one that's not Langa"

"Shut up"

"Guys stop it's not funny, Reki don't worry not everyone thinks that"

Joe and Cherry showed up like they always do and people started yelling the nasty shit again.

"Outta the way cinnamon stick boy"

"I will not be insulted by a feckless ape"

"Why don't you cry about it you move like a robot a pissy one"


"Ow ow ow ow"

"Tch who's pissy now"
Joe grabbed Cherrys leg and pulled him down with him.

"Guess your machine doesn't love you as much as you love it"

"Her name is Carla"

"Can you hear yourself"

Joe and Cherry came to stand with us.

"This is where all the celebrities of S come to hang out"

"You just mean you"

"This is what's called teachable moment overconfidence is poison but true confidence is power"

Everyone was talking up about Langa and I could see Reki getting a little bit Jealous I went to grab his hand but he was already off going for a drink.

I followed him over there after a minute.

"Whos that redhead he's always with"

"Just some rando who latched onto him and Lightning"
Oh God people do think that about him.

"Hey Reki"

"Go away"

"Reki I'm not leaving, who cares what those people think"

"I do"

"Well you shouldn't your amazing you taught Langa everything he knows"

"You don't get it"

"I probably get it the most out of everyone here, back in Canada i taught Langa how to snowboard and then everyone forgot about me. I felt like nobody cared about me anymore and they didn't, but you have me and Joe and Cherry and Miya and Shadow we're all your friends and we all care for you. Just because Langa might be better at some things doesn't mean he's better at everything when it comes to skating"

"But he is and you're better and I'm going to be left behind"

"I'll never leave you Reki you're my best friend and I care for you. It doesn't matter who's better and you know if you'd like I can teach you some of my moves that Joe taught me."

"I would like that but it doesn't really change all that much"

"I know it doesn't and you probably wan't Time alone so I'll leave you alone for now but just remember I'm here for you."

"Yeah okay"

Reki skated by our normal meetup spot and completely ignored Langa when he said good morning. It was like he was in a trance until Langa yelled his name.

"Hey what's up? You okay?"

"What's going on with you"

"Nothing I'm fine"

"No your not you were building a new deck weren't you, that's why you stayed up last night."

"Yeah you got me guilty as charged"
I grabbed Rekis hand, pulled him in for a hug and whispered.

"I'm not as dumb as Langa I know your upset about last night"

He just hugged me tighter before we let go and continued to school

After school, I was down at the restaurant. Joe and I were in the back, testing out new recipes.

"Hey um how's it going with you and Kaoru?"

"Well I mean the only thing that's changed since we found out we were soulmates is that he lets me call him Kaoru to his face now."

"Well that's good"

"Why did you ask?"

"I found my soulmate and I'm scared"


"Because my soulmate told me he's friends with twins and likes one of them and hah the twin is my brother"

"Your soulmate likes Langa"

"Yeah I think"

"Whos your soulmate"


"Oh no he likes you not Langa"

"How do you know"

"The way he looks at you is the same way I look at Kaoru when we're not fighting"

"Yeah you guys need to stop that, the sexual tension is too much for me to be around"

"There is no sexual tension"

"Yes there is"

"Fine there's some but not a lot"

"Ha I knew it"

"Alright shut up we need to close up and get ready for the S"

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now