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Reki and I were watching through his phone when we overheard some kids.

"Hey looks like Joe is about to win"

"Not much of a battle"

"Not much of an opponent"

"Hey, why don't you stop crapping on people you don't know, that guys jumps are fricking beautiful, they're like falling snow, "

"Hold up did you say your cheering on snow boy, we're gonna bet, you in" one of the guys said

"im all in on Joe" said the other boy


"thats not what im here for"

"Look how much smaller the gap is"

"Ha of course go little bro"

"He's your brother"


Why the hell is he slowing down. Joe goes by

"Go, Joe"

Why the hell is Langa going so slow.



Yes, he's speeding up again. hes literally fucking flying, He's so close but Joes still ahead.

There was a beam, Joe hit it to get by and Langa used to to launch him forward, when Langa passed the finish line his board snapped but he won.

"He actually beat Joe"

Reli was looking at his phone and a tear dropped and then another and some more. I hugged him as right as I could and he hugged me back while crying.

"I want to be skating beside you guys"

"I know Reki and you will be as soon as this tournament ends you know what even before then how about we go skateboarding together with or without Langa, anytime you want"


"Yeah I don't care if It's 3 in the morning, I'll skate with you"

"Okay thank you"

We headed back up to the starting area just as Adam picked a card.

"It's Adam"

"And Cherry"

They line up and Joe runs up.


"Back off needy gorilla you're smothering me, don't fret about Adam I'll ruin him, you'll see"

"If you lose I'll never stop laughing at your ignorance"

"Do me a favour and don't get frustrated and work out too much muscle brain"

Adam interrupts "not that it isnt adorable but how long does this little comedy act go on? i belive it is time to start the race"
and the lights go




They are dead even and it's super hard to see shit.

Adam starts off with a love hug, it's weird he never does one this early.
Cherry closes his eyes and gets Carla to navigate.


"yeah no shit"

Cherry starts to hit Adams board with his own. Stupid.

Adam fell behind Cherry by a bit but not by a lot. okay now hes behind by a lot.
so many people were cheering for cherry and it looked like Joe was a bit jelous.

Adam pulled ahead and started dancing for fucks sake. he got off his board turned around and hit Cherry over the head.


"KAROU" joe and i yelled at the same time, i swear i tear went down his face but i would never tell him i saw that.

Adam was talking to Langa through the screen.

Joe and I hopped on his bike to go get Karou.

Joe and I were at the restaurant when Karou comes in with Carla being his fucking wheelchair.

"are you some kind of idiot? who sneaks out of a hospital"

"im fine okay its just a scratch"

he just strolls up to the fucking counter like its nothing.

"says the mummy who just crawled from the ground"

"these are Honourable wounds, not like you'd ever have the courage to fight Adam"

Joe slams his fists on the table.

"yeah well i woulda won"

"yeah right, even though you lost against a rookie"

"you know thats no ordinary rookie, im willing to bet he becomes more of a monster than Adam is"

"dont say that about my brother"

"sorry but its true"

"you overestimate him, Adams a unique beast" he pours wine but it was empty,

"theres nothing else in here"

"well that's because its BYOB, Bring your own Booze see Y/N gets it" he points to where im drinking a glass of wine, i feel like the only time they care that im a minor is when it comes to skating.

"im injured you soleless pig"

"and im supposed to care?"

"YES JOE, hes your fucking solemate go be in love, im leaving and i want you two to be together by the time i get back" before they could answer i was out the door.

i was just gonna go down to the skate park to practice and shit but when i was walking down there Reki came sprinting towards me.

"oh good, i was looking for you-" he was panting and shit.

"i wanna get a tattoo and then go skating with you and yeah can we?" he gave me puppy dog eyes,

"yeah sure, i was just heading over to the skate park but we can get you a tattoo first"

we went to the tattoo place and a pretty girl around our age welcomed us in,

"so do you know what you want pretty boy?" she asked Reki.

"um i was thinking of getting a small S like this" he showed her the S logo. "just small on my side closer to my hip" thats gonna look nice on him

"alright and do you want it with the special ink or just regular?"

"ill just go with the regular ink" Oh its gonna look nice on the both of us then

"anything for you over there Cutie?"

"me?" i feel stupid im the only one here

"no the invisible ghost in the room, yes you, your boyfriend over heres getting a tattoo so what about you"

"oh um im not dating them-" Reki shut up she dosnt need to know that.

"oh yeah sure, can i get a bellybutton piercing please, but only after hes done, i wanna be there for my boyfriend y'know?"

"i feel ya come on now, lift your shirt up just the bottom of your ribs so we can do this, and you hold his hand," i walked over and did as she told, im suprised he didnt squeeze my hand that much when getting it and when it was over she wrapped it up and we moved on to my piercing.Remi sat beside me while i got my bellybutton piercing done and when the girl bumped my shirt up you could see the bottom of my tattoo and im like 99% sure that Reki saw it.

when we were done we went skating across town for a bit before i went home.

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now