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if you had asked me how i thought my day was gonna go i would not have imagined that i wojld be explaiowhat a love hotel means to Langa and i would be horrified if you told me thats what i was gonna be doing,

"its where you go when you and the person you love, like your sloumate, want alone time to like be inlove"

"most of the time the fuck"

"not helping Reki- they dont have to um have sex but they sometimes do"

"so people like Joe and Cherry would go there"

"they dont wanna admit their inlove Reki so you would be wrong about that"

"what about you and Reki, would you guys go there?"



"can we get back to the whole 'im in the way thing"

"yeah lets talk about that" that snake dude was still here

"you have been nominated to be Lightnings replacement"


"he dosnt want to race you"

"ouch Y/N you good bro"

"yeah im good, i didnt even sign up to be in the tournament anyway" Langa spilt water on me,

"ew Langa thats gross, im going to change"

"you have clothes here?"

"you dont?" i went to the back and changed into my other shirt and when i came out apparently my shirt wasnt down all the way, Reki looked at my side where my skin was exposed then his eyes went wide, oh shit.

that night Reki had his race against Adam and we were all there

"theres no way your gonna win against that evil overlord" wow Miya

"if its too much, best to tap out"

"its not a given that im gonna lose you guys, well i guess its not really a given that i'll win either, but what i do know for certain is that im not backing down this time, im tired of always being disappointed in myself afterwards"

"i'll be waiting at the finish line, push me"

"yes princess, what you fire Carla or something?" Joe and Cherry walked off.

"time to win, you have to"

"okay i'll get right on that boss"

"im gonna win aswell,ets be the final two"

"id like that"

"no backing out"

"all in" and then Langa winked at me before leaving.

"dont die out there alright Reki"

"im not going to Y/N"


"yeah, can't leave my best friends"

"best friends.." i mumbled

"what was that?"

"oh nothing, just goodluck out there"

"thanks, oh and Y/N"


"i saw your painting over in the train tunnel, i liked it"

"you went there???"


"they were supposed to call me, oh fuck them"

"good to know you like me too"

"im sorry i dont wanna make you uncomfor- wait what? you like me?"


"good to know my soulmate likes me back" I started to slowly turn around

"wait you knew??? how long??"

"about a week or 2"


"yeah now go have fun and win your race"
i walked away to go find a spot in the crowd to watch.

the lights go




and GO

they take of and Adam goes for a love hug but when Reki dodged Adam kncoked him down, everytime Reki got back up Adam threw him back down, over and over and over.

i pushed up the crowd to get to where Langa And the rest of them were and all i heard was Cherry,


"HES WHAT" and he fucking Landed it.

"GO REKI" Reki hugged Adam and and Adam continuously hit him until he finally let go.

it started to rain and Reki was pulling ahead.

Adam went to hit Reli the same way he hit Cherry but Reki Dodged and tripped Adam,

Cherry was laughing his ass off

"it serves him right hahaha, Defeted by the weather hahahaa"

Joe joined in "haha an entire legacy washed away with the rain"

"not his fault hes an idiot"

"i never doubted him for a second"

Adam got back on his board and was saying Unforgivable over and over while trying to catch up with Reki,

"guess hes back in it"

"REKI MOVE" it was so close i couldnt even tell who won, Langa ran up to Rekis unmoving body after they crossed the finish line

"Reki, Reki are you okay" Reki rolled on his back and yelled

"i fucking love skating"

"you gave us all a heart attack"

"i guess your not as bad as i thought you were"

"not bad for a slime but you could learn some things"

"you dumb fuck, you scared me half to death"

"sorry haha"

Adam waked over to us like a sad sad boy,

"do you really believe that a nobody like you has the ability to successfully beat a champion like me?" Snake walked infront of him

"out of my way i'll be dealing with you next"

"i just wanted to tell you i will be forfeiting the beef with snow"


"he is better suited for you and your needs, he deserves your love"

" if you are insinuating that i lead a lonley existence than you would be correct, i am the only one who can survive in my worlde, however there will soon be another, and together we will fall infinitely, we will become Adam and Eve for a new age"

i leaned over to Reki

"thats so creepy bro"


"yep thats what you are my bro"

"but we like eachother and are soulmates"

"then ask me out"

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now