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I was sitting with Reki and Langa on a staircase outside while he goes on about how awesome we are.

"How did you guys do that flipping trick at the end is it some snowboarding move?"

"Yep the backside rodeo"

"Oh hell no Langa no taping your feet to the board"
Langa ignores me and jumps up

"I wanna see some more of you guys skating"


"You got it" we got on the boards and I was waiting for Langa to go first

"Push me" HAHAHA

"Ah jeez" Reki pushed him and he did well at first, then he got ran over so we ran down to get him and make sure he was alright.

"I don't get it how did you skate so well last night"

"I honestly don't know myself"

"If you told me you paid your twin brother to skate that match I'd believe it"

"I'm his twin and I was also skating"

"Reki can I borrow your board"

"As if you didn't just bail hardcore and almost get yourself killed"

"I know it was dangerous but for some reason, I loved it"

"That's what skating does little bro"

"I'm only 5 minutes younger"

"Still younger"

"Fine you can borrow it but it's a skateboard, not a snowboard and that won't change"

"Okay can you teach me"

"Only if your sibling helps"

"I'm right here"

"Also how do you know Cherry and Joe"

"Oh umm that's for me to know and you to not know"

While Reki was teaching Langa to skateboard or trying to anyway. I went off to go see if I could get a job at Kojiros restaurant I already know how to cook and he taught me a few recipes so I think I have a chance.

"Hey Kojiro"

"Yeah Y/N"

"You think I could get a Job here"

"Not hiring"

"Please Joe I know you know I can cook"

"fine just wait around and ill get to you in a minute"

"Joe I want you to meet a very valuable client of mine he's a master calligrapher- one second I need to get this" the man walks away.

"You saw him too then the rookie who slaughtered shadow"

"JOE that's my brother"

"I'm working right now you dimwit"

"So am I, douche, and it's my restaurant I can talk to you whenever I want"

"Then perhaps you should post that policy outside, you dopey gorilla"

"Says the four-eyed food snatcher"

"I ordered it"

"And you're getting this" Joe tried to step on Kaoru's foot but he dodged and stepped on Joes instead

"You oafish clumsy cow"

"Pumpkin spice turdlet" they go on so I grab a pen from the counter and start to draw on my arm, it's just a few flowers but I get writing back you bored? Doesn't he know it. Yeah my friends keep fighting and are ignoring me while I'm trying to get a job here, sorry for bothering you by drawing I forgot god that was a lot to write no it's fine they look nice, awww yes well I think they are going to pay attention to me now so goodbye.

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now