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I was waiting at dope sketch for a half-hour before Langa shows up once he did we skated down to the tattoo shop.

I look at the tattoo guy

"can I get the one that's a lightning bolt but with the name Lightning above it"

"I mean you can get whatever you want I don't care"

"Okay great" after 3 hours of getting this lightning bolt with my S name on my rib cage I realized that it would show up on my soulmate as well so as soon as I got out of the tattoo parlour a wrote to him.

Hey so you have a tattoo now

What no I don't

Yeah I just got one

Don't you have school in an hour

Yep it's on my rib cage so it doesn't break the dress code

Okay well, why does it say Lightning? Oh, I knew you were a fan.

Well now you're a fan too also how's it going with the crush? As much as it hurts I need to know

Oh well, I kinda messed up and kinda left them out of something important and didn't help them prepare so they didn't talk to me for a bit and they even moved out of their house to get away from me and their brother but we just made up so I didn't get the chance yet but what about you and your friends.

Oh, we just made up as well oh shit I have school I got to go bye soulmate.


The day went by fast and the next thing I knew I was out getting Ramen with Joe. Reki and Langa were sitting next to us but they didn't notice me or him until Joe spoke up.

"Don't listen to him I've been staking with Adam since before S there's more to him than his performances"

"Whos that"

"Joe one of the founding members he's known as the six-pack skater and the fastest and strongest if you're looking at raw power"

"He's also my best friend" Joe grabs Reki in a hug but it looks like he's about to kill him.

"Come on you know I'm more than just power"

"I get it now let me go"

"So back to Adam what kind of skater is he"

"Well, his nickname says a lot, he is the Matador of Love"

"Pfffttt what kind of nickname is that"


"It has to do with his view on skating he calls it a ritual of love"

"Yeah what's up with that it feels like a stretch"

"His entire games a stretch I don't get him now S'lame that said he's a dangerous skater make no mistake, everyone who beefs against Adam winds up severely injured. A lot of them never recover and have to quit skating don't wanna be the bogyman but just keep it in mind. Now come on Y/N we have to go meet with Kaoru" he puts money on the table and we walk away.

"Thanks, it was great and I'm paying for those 2"

We were at the skatepark I was over practicing the tricks I've been learning from Joe when I noticed Miya was over by the boys so I skated over. As soon as I did they pulled me over to the flower shop before basically hijacking a car. Miya refused to sit in the back so I was stuck between Reki and Langa and then I noticed a man come out of the shop. Oh, it was Shadow. He got in the car then noticed us.

"Please be the dad for tonight and drive us to crazy rock, Shadow."

"I'm only 24 ya derp and who's this Shadow guy? You seein' things?"

"You don't look that much different" wow Miya so blunt.

"I'm begging you Miya didn't bring his helmet with him"

"Like I care" a woman looked out the shop and yelled

"Everything okay"

" yep everythings awesome"

"I'm begging please"

"Please sir"

"If you don't me and Y/N will tell that girl over there"

Next thing I knew we were speeding off to crazy rock.

"Hey Miya have you ever skated against Adam before"

"Nope," Reki leans over to the front so his ass is in my face and I mean it's kinda funny but also ew.

"I hate that answer. Wait then how do you know him" when Miya started talking Reki leaned back and I felt myself falling asleep on his shoulder.

When we got there Miya started to show off a rail slide so I went to the corner and called Joe.

"Hey mini-me what's up"

"I won't be home for a bit I'm at crazy rock with Miya Reki Langa and Shadow"

"Great I'll leave the door unlocked for when you come home"

I heard another voice but it sounded farther away

"Are you hooking up with Y/N they're a minor! Y/N I want you to get your ass here right now"

"Kaoru I'm not sleeping with Kojiro, I'm staying at his place for a bit but I guess I'll go back to my place after tonight cuz me and Langa made up"

"Alright, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding Y/N"

"Mini-me you can stay for as long as you like but I'm getting a new apartment in a few days so you'll have to plan when you go home around that but after I move in you can come back if you need too"

"Okay I probably won't need to but that's cool"

"Okay bye mini-me"

"Bye Joe by Kaoru"

When I looked back I saw Langa try to go uphill and failing badly.

Reki and Miya went to help him up but I couldn't stop laughing at him long enough to go help him.

After we went to AnW and Miya and I sat down with water and I had fries while he just had protein powder for the water but he ate some of my fries as well.

Reki came over confused.

"Wheres your food, what's that stuff"

"They help me balance my nutrition. It's what responsible athletes do"
Reki sits down in between Miya and me.

"You know real food has nutrition to here"
He shoved a burger in Miya's face and he freaked out.

"what's wrong with you are you trying to make me get fat"

"Ouch watch the brain. We're in a restaurant, at least order off the menu"

"It's fine I've never seen a shrimp eat like a man so he's off the hook" I look over and Shadow has like 8 burgers.

"I am not a shrimp I'm still growing and your just an old fat guy"

"I'm not fat these curves are muscles" as they fight I look over and Langa has like 30 burgers and super poutine oh God.

"Why don't you have food Y/N"

"I did I let Miya have some and I'm trying to eat healthier and this place is not healthy"

"Okay well at least have some of my fries"

"Oh okay"

my Soulmate ~Reki K~  Where stories live. Discover now