Chapter 20

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Emmanuel pov

"This has been quite a honeymoon Dear." I told my wife

"Yes it has." she smiled

When she said she doesn't want to go away for no honeymoon, away from the kids and everything I was not exactly happy but then she made it up to me big time. I am sort of glad we did not go anywhere here was enough and I told her before our little honeymoon that after the baby is born and everything is all settled I will take her on a real honeymoon but that was before. It can't get any more real than it already is.

She was standing in front of the fridge taking out ingredients to make something and since it is almost night I assume she is going to make diner and I do not agree with her so her goes the bomb.

"Heaven what are you doing?" I asked

"Emmanuel are you blind or your eyes just do not work properly I am taking out ingredients to make a dinner, chicken stew to be exact." she told me

"As tasty as that sounds I am not allowing this go and sit down."

"Relax yourself and take a chill pill." she said what in the world is a 'chill pill' now

"What the heck is a chill pill?" I asked

"I don't know ask Trish or Rowco they the ones keep telling me that." she said

I couldn't help it I just laugh at her and I don't want to get in a argument with her right now so I decided instead of not making her cook, I will help her cook. four hands is better than two.

"I will help." I volunteered

"Now you are talking sense Baby." she cheer

"I am now curious to what I was talking before." I smiled

"Bull that is what." she laughed

Heaven and I cooked together and it was splendid, a hour later the table was set, food was almost ready, all that we use was already cleaned up and most importantly my belly is ready like Freddy. In between cooking and chopping vegetables and everything else I showed some love to my wife and the baby. I have five children and I don't think I am stopping there, and Heaven look like she is up for it. By the time I am ready to retire I will be fine and every cent these greedy lovable children of mines took they have to give me back, I just don't need Heaven to find out about it and then it all will be good.

"I called over the kids." Heaven told me

"Okay, even though we had this fantastic week I still missed them like crazy." I told Heaven, I miss them but my credit card sure as hell doesn't.

I gave them my card because it was a big deal for them to throw that baby shower and I really don't understand why it got to be that expensive, I don't really care actually I just want to know what exactly is going on that it is costing me so much and those kids don't want to tell me.

"Me too." Heaven said

"Babe since we are married now and everything I thought I should let you know and also if you want to take part in it." I told her

"What are we talking about exactly?" she lean on the kitchen counter with her face resting on her left hand

"Trish." I said, I have been noticing her for some time now and I can see she is not okay

"Oh yes big time, she has been down lately and she changed in many different ways." Heaven said seriously

"Exactly, her interest, attitude, even the way she dress and lack of communicating." I said

"Yes the communicating part is really important for me because I notice she doesn't speak unless she is spoken to literally." She said now standing up straight

"She speaks only if it has something to do with food." I commented

"Yes indeed and I think that is our fault." she said

"What do you mean our fault." I asked last thing I want to hear is that my daughter is feeling down because of me."

"Most definitely, for a good while now we have been focusing only on Neveah and not the rest of kids, and when we did get the time to actually have a family get together Rowco's adoption came up so maybe she feels left out." Heaven said

"That is so true I did not even thought about that at all."



Her comes my squad, this conversation with Trish is really serious something is definitely going on with her.

"Hey! hey! newly weds!" Rowco cheer

"Now it is time to live happily ever after." Ishmael yelled

He has gotten more lively since Rowco has been around and I am really happy just need to focus on Trish.

"Or maybe time to eat!" Trish said emotionless that is another thing she keeps hiding her emotions a lot,

"That sounds good let's start this!" Heaven said

We gathered at the table and began to eat out lovely stew prepare by the one and only Me! with a little tiny bit of Heaven's help.

"How is my master piece?" I asked

"Which day can you cook this good?" Ishmael and Rowco laugh

After that the table got uncomfortable silent, Neveah seem to be in deep thoughts she hasn't say anything and Heaven seem to notice what is going on around the table and if this silence is not shift soon, I know she is going to loose her cool. Neveah isn't even eating she is playing with her food, Rowco and Ishmael notice that Heaven isn't liking this so their eyes are glued to her and they still eating at the same time.

Trish is the only one enjoying her meal and not caring about what is going on around the table, she can eat so much and you can't see where the food is going. She doesn't gain weight that is one thing that I observe about her. Her friends always ask her what her secret is, especially that dear friend of hers Shay. That girl is the nicest.

"So Trish how was your day with Shawn?" Neveah asked

"The last time I checked....none of your business, it has been more than five months now since I started hanging out with Shawn. Why out of the blue you want to know how my day with Shawn was? Look as surprising as it is, this stew is good knowing that Dad had something to do with it so let me enjoy it please." Trish said as if she has practice that in the mirror, Neveah was surprise with her outburst.

"What is going on Tee?" Heaven ask calmly

"Mom I am not trying to be rude or anything but that goes for you too as it is for Dad. I really want to eat in peace." Trish said harshly

"Okay shit just got real." I said sternly, Trish sat up as if to show that it isn't a big deal while on the other hand Rowco and Ishmael stand to leave the table.

"Sit now!" Heaven said almost loosing her cool

"Yes mother." they both said and sat back down.

This is going to be a long night....very long might I add.

Please remember to VoTe♤FoLLoW♧CoMMeNt♢

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