Chapter 11

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Emmanuel pov

What has my life become? my children hardly speak to me, Neveah doesn't speak to me period and the most the twin would say is 'Good morning', 'I'm going over to Heaven' and 'see you later'. Heaven on the other hand is pissing me off world without end. when I talk to her she becomes an instant dummy. She's indeed pregnant, I guess her new like in fashion was to hide her baby bump from me. Heaven is the one that is pregnant, I didn't impregnated anyone I am the victim yet still the children choose to cling onto Heaven.

As for Julia there is no way in hell that I'm going to stay married to her. I told Kirk to stop the divorce process and after he did, I took it up in hand. Kirk was making this thing longer than it suppose to be. In a month I'll be happily divorce.

I haven't seen any man checking up on Heaven recently actually not at all. What kind of dude would get her pregnant and not be there for his kid. Once this divorce is through if Heaven will have me, I'll take her with the baby. She took me with my two daughters and my son, what ever she has I'm taking her with it.

"Baby I want to go shopping"

"Why are you telling me that?"

"Manuel you haven't been nice to me since the day I came back"

"Its Emmanuel and Julianne get out of my sight before I have to do you something. I don't want you here. I don't even know why you came back in the first place. Get this in your thick skull Julianne, you are not welcome here it's best you pack your bags and leave"

"Excuse me?"

"Julianne I don't hit woman but please don't let me have to lost my fist down your throat. Do you hear me?"

"I will leave your house after all but I will make your life a living hell I promise you"

"Uhh I'm so scared"

She stormed off upstairs and I sat in front the TV watching the discovery channel. Secretly I missed my family, one minute my life was perfect and the next I am children and girlfriend less. So much for being a good person to others. Fate has done me well.

"Bye Emmanuel"

"Julianne you are still here? I thought you left already to be honest"


"Julia you are still here"

I heard the door shut and It was like a heavy burden was lift off my shoulder. That thing of a woman is finally out of my life. When I look back at some of the women I dated I wonder what was wrong with me, maybe I was on drugs. At this moment I'm sick of everything, Heaven, her pregnancy, Neveah's attitude and that this damn divorce is taking forever.

Heaven is not trying to hear me out, she's pregnant and she wouldn't even talk to me about it instead she hid it from me until my coffee made the discovery. I'm going back to my normal routine, get my kids back together and move on with my life. For the gazillionth time I'm going to message Neveah, Neveah feels like she's the woman of my house but unfortunately my house don't have a woman, it got me the man of the house and two girls and a boy.

Me: Neveah I need to talk to you now! Come over!!!!

She answered immediately.

Neveah: I don't want to talk to you. I don't got nothing to say.

"Okay this has to stop now, I've had it with Heaven and Neveah, tonight is the night when this all stops" I said to myself

I got up and marched over to Heaven's. I knock on the door nobody didn't answer, I rang to door bell nobody still didn't answer. Now I'm getting aggravated, this shit has to stop.

The Next-door Neighbor (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now