Chapter 29

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Emmanuel pov

We end up spending two extra day in the hospital because Heav was feeling a granic pain in her belly thanks to my brother. The doctors asked us when she fell and we told her she didn't which is the truth. One thing for sure I was strict on Heaven about keeping my child safe and Heaven followed all the rules I had about keeping the baby safe. So they were no way she could have fell and not tell me. The doctor kept asking question and then it hit me, my thing of a brother pushed her in the pool. After knowing that, the doctor fixed her and now everything is all good and we are going home with our baby girl.

I am carrying Caresa, her bags and Heav's bag. The nurse was pushing the wheelchair that Heav was in, she stopped by the car that I parked in front the hospital a while ago. I put Caresa in her car seat and then help Heav in the car. I thanked the nurse then went into the driver's seat and slowly speed home, during the ride Heav lean in and rest her head on my shoulder while playing with the curls in my hair.

"You look so tired." I said to her

"Babe that's because I am, I gave birth three days ago. I haven't slept good since I left my house when I went into labor because I can't take my mind off of my kids." she said in a whisper

"When you reach home and see that they are okay, you are going to take a long sleep?" I asked

"Yes, I promise I just need to know they are okay." She assured me

We drove home in a comfortable silence and soon after we reached home. I help Heaven out of the my jeep and then extract Caresa from her car seat and hand her to her mother. Heaven took her and began to walk to the house, I took the bags from the trunk and hurrily catch up with Heaven. When we open the door we stood there shock.

No the house wasn't in a mess it was the scent that hit us. It smelled something like Heaven's cooking but still needs a lot more work, being in the hospital for three days and Heaven not wanting me to leave her side. I didn't get a chance to have one proper meal in those three days. Those three days felt like three years food wise because I did have some of the best memories about my little Caressa.

"That smell amazing, reminds me of when my mother use to cook." Heaven said

"Your cooking smells way better than that." I told her honestly

"Yeah I know I could've cook better than my mother and when she died I took cooking a lot more seriously because when I cook I feel like I am really close to her." she said in a dull voice and I hug her and walk to the kitchen and to my surprise Theresa's mother is the one cooking and the kids gather around the dining table in the kitchen.

"Hi." Heaven said clearly surprise to see a woman she doesn't know in her kitchen.

Now that Heaven said that everyone notice that we entered the room, the kids all got up and rushed over to Heaven and was gushing over Caresa.

"Beauty starts here?" Rowco said

"Look at her she's so cute." Nevaeh said

"She is my first love." Ishmael said

"Who want to hold her?"Heaven asked

"Me!" They all said in unison

"She's one person not all of you all can have her." Heaven said

"Exactly!" They said in unison. They look at each other."Stop saying what I say." they said in unison again "Stop!" they said again

"Enough." Heaven and I said in unison and my ex mother-in-law chuckled

"Hey don't even think about it." Heaven said sternly "Now let's do this by age, three minutes each, so take her Ishmael."

"That can work." They said in unison, they each rolled their eyes and Ishmael took Caresa

After Heaven made sure that they were settled with Caresa, she sent them to the living room and gave them strictly instruction and I give them the all too famous Emmanuel warning look. After they left we walked up to the island and sat on a barstool. I am nervous who knows why Theres is here?

I married someone else and we even had a baby. It is not everyday your dead wife mother comes around and cook for you and I think very aware that you have moved on. Let's see what Heaven has to say about this, I know Theres doesn't always have the nicest things to say but she is a wonderful woman and there is only a few things Heaven could take before she tell you her mind. I always say when she taking someone's crap and not saying nothing she is practicing what to say in her head next.

"So you are the new wife?" Theres said

"So you are the late wife's mother?" Heaven said clearly not in the mood for none of this and how in the world did she know Theres is Theresa's mother?

"Yes I am." Theres said

"Well here me out I have been at the hospital for three long days and I am not in the mood for your stupid comments so keep them to yourself or there is the door." Heaven said in one breath

"Emmanuel I have never had one of them give it to me like that." Theres said to me

"I am not like the rest that's why." Heaven said

"I like you." Theres told Heaven with a smile. This is freaky Theres hates everyone that I married or go in a relationship with and now she 'likes' Heaven.

"I just met you I don't know if I like you yet." Heaven said to her and Theres looked impress with her boldness "Manuel I am going to bed and if anything and I mean anything happens wake me up."

After saying all that she walked out of the kitchen. Thank you so very much Heaven for leaving me here with this woman. I really appreciate it, it even makes me love you more. No one can be thoughtful as you are.

"Manuel huh?" Theres said and break the silence

"Yes." I replied

"You hate when people call you that, even Theresa couldn't call you that." she said

"I like it when Heaven calls me that." I said

"I love her name and I really like her, she is different than the other girls you have take a liking to. The kids really love her, my cooking is not even close to hers they said." Theres said

"She's special." I said

"Why didn't you tell me about her and the baby?" She asked

"I didn't thought it was important." I said

"She must hate the fact that I am here because by calling my name Theresa comes in to mind and that most be uncomfortable for her." Theres said

"I don't think so because by calling our baby's name is the same thing." I said

"I don't understand." she said

"My daughter's name is Caresa, she was name after Heaven's late mother and your daughter." I said and she stood there shocked, after about five minutes of just standing there she spoke.

"Why did you name her that?" She asked

"As much as I love your daughter I wouldn't name my baby after her, Heaven named her that." I said

"She did?" she asked

"Yes she did." I said

"Is it okay for me to stay until she finish resting so I can tell her thank you and that Theresa would be honored?" she said now crying

"Yes of course you are always welcome here Theres." I said

"Thank you." she said and walk to me and gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

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