Chapter 21

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Heaven pov

"Why are you acting so selfish right now?" Neveah said pissed off

"Neveah don't." I said

"Why are you acting so selfish right now? Trish mimicked Neveah

"That goes for you too young lady." Manuel said

"Dad I was eating my meal peacefully and them bam! Neveah wants to start a conversation I don't want to have a conversation especially with Neveah-"

"Or Mom." Ishmael said

"Or Mom so she was the one that started it not me." Trish continue

What did I do?

"What is your problem with me Trish? why be a fake female dog?" Neveah yelled

Did she just say what I think she did? Hell no it isn't going to work like that before I could make a move Trish went for it full blast.

"Neveah you really going to sit there and call me a fake bitch? You were suppose to be my best friend and my sister but then Mom came around and that was it, you drop me like a bag of hot potatoes and now you want to act like nothing never happen. I am not mad at you for finding a solution to your problems so whatever I choose to solve mines you shouldn't get mad over it. I supported you so return the favor. Your thing is that everything is always about Ishmael and Trish and Neveah never gets anything, no attention, no nothing here you are you got Mom and Dad keep them just don't speak to me like we cool and the last year doesn't matter it did Neveah, let Mom be your therapist and I already have mines." Trish yelled

"Trish keep me out of this." Ishmael said

"So because Mom gives me more attention than she does to you and Ishmael you all mad!" Neveah yelled

"Neve and Trish keep me out of this." Ishmael put up his hands in surrender

"Well guess what Ishmael you are in it." Neveah yelled and hit the table and stood up

"Yow shut up and sit you retarted ass down, you have been selfish so does Mom and Dad. They knows everything that has been going on with you but what about Trish? if this is what parenting is going to be like for Mom and Dad they might as well ship us off to boarding school and give the baby to Grandpa when she reaches the age she can understand life. Keep in mind Neveah that you had two years knowing what a mother's love feels like. Trish and I don't know what that feels like and when we finally get a mother that understand and love us you want her for yourself. How much more selfish you can? They so caught up in giving you attention so you wouldn't flip out again that they don't even realize how much pain Trish is actually going through right now!" Ishmael yelled and I am at lost for words

"What I was going through, while I was going through it didn't hurt Ishmael?" Nevaeh asked

"You told me you felt like an outcast and that people keep blaming you for Mom's death which was true and no matter how small or big the thing is once it cases pain it is still pain every type of pain hurts." Ishmael said

"What is hurting you so so much that you hate me because I keep getting the attention? this are to be good." Neveah said with some much sarcasm, Manuel was on the verge of breaking free because I realize what Trish and Ishmael have been saying is true.

"For starters I don't hate you Neveah and I never will, just like how you felt like an outcast that's how I feel right now." Trish said

" Is that the reason why you've been wearing all these black clothes?" I asked

"No that's the reason I don't really talk to anyone besides Rowco and Ishmael." Trish answered

"I am sorry but I am not going to say sorry for the things I have done for Trish while I've been here, to me it was like you guys weren't paying attention and someone had to step up and claims some responsibilities." Rowco said

"What did you do exactly?" Manuel asked

"I am full so I am going upstair." Trish said before Rowco could answer

"No you not!" Manuel and I said in unison

"Yes you are, you can go." Rowco said and Trish bolted for the door instead of the stairs.

"Young man I don't appreciate you disrespecting my rules or Heaven's." Manuel said sternly

"I know sir but she needed that."

"Wow she needed that." Neveah mumbled

"Yes Neveah she needed that!" Rowco yelled very very loud

"What did you do for Trish Rowco?" Manuel asked and Rowco was clearly upset now

"1. I made sure she eats right 2. I make sure to keep a eye on her in case she tries to kill herself again-." he said counting on his fingers but before he could finish he got interrupt by Neveah

"Why did she try to kill herself?" concern now lacing her voice

"How about why don't you shut up." Ishmael said to her

"3. I made sure she got a therapist 4. I made sure she always meet with her therapist and 5. I made sure she reached to Illinois safe and return back safe." he finished

"Why did she go to Illinois?" Neveah asked

"If you cared so much you would have known why she has been like that." Ishmael said

"You guys really don't know?" Rowco asked shocked

"Do we look like we know!?" Manuel snapped

"Don't snap at me Sir, snap at yourself if you were a good parent you would've known." Rowco said

"Tell us already!" I snapped pregnant hormones finally kicked in

"She went to Illinois because she had to attend Shay's funeral." Rowco said

The room went quiet for a full five minutes, I was crying like a baby, Shay was so innocent, Okay if I don't get worst parent of the year then that ain't fair. Her best friend died and we her parents didn't even know. It explains everything, the reason why she wears black is because she is still mourning. Oh poor baby I need to talk to her right after the conversation at the diner table is done.

"That has to be some sort of joke right?" Manuel said shocked while tears slowly slid down his face. have never in my life saw him cry.

"I wish it was but it isn't" Ishmael said

"W-what h-hap-pen?" Neveah asked in between her crying

"You answer because I got nothing to say to her." Rowco said to Ishmael

"Me worst." Ishmael said back which means if we don't ask no answer will be given

"What happened?" Manuel said

"She had a tumor in her head and about a minute before she died she called Trish and said her goodbye and that their next meet will be at her funeral. Trish didn't think she was serious and didn't get to say her last words." Rowco said with teary eyes

This hurts so much, I don't even know. I can only imagine how she feel knowing she got the chance to say goodbye and she didn't take it. She is going to carry that for the rest of her life. I got up from the table and headed for the door I can hear Manuel foot behind me. I need to find Trish and right now! I opened the door and the she was under the tree in the front of our house, I made my way to her as quick as I could with this big belly when I reached her she was crying I endulge her in a hug and milliseconds later Manuel joined in.

"I love you Baby, I am so sorry." I told Trish

"I am sorry we wasn't there for you when you needed us the most." Emmanuel said

"It is okay now Mom and Dad I need you now." Trish spoke while she was sniffing and I hugged her tighter

Please remember to VoTe♤FoLLoW♧CoMMeNt♢

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