Chapter 14

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Emmanuel pov

"...girl" Heaven said. They all started cheering and laughing.

"It's a girl!" Miguel said

"We won" Ishmael said.

"It doesn't matter what sex the baby is we are just glad it's coming soon" Trish

"Very true" Miguel nodded

"Omg I have so much shopping to do" Kelly squealed


Two weeks flew by quickly. Everybody is getting ready for the baby,except me. I've avioding Heaven lately alot. Her father left for Idaho, about a week ago. I don't know if she notice that I am avoiding her but Trish sure as hell does. I can't focus on anything these past few weeks. My new hang out spot is a place I don't mess around with. A bar. It is now a little after mid-night thankfully I am not drunk.

"For a man like you, this is one place i don't expect you to be." The teenage looking bartender said to me

"Oh really?" I said back

"Yes Sir. I am studing law, I work here at night to put myself through college. You are my idol, I look up to you. This right here, your new hobby? makes me sick. I can't believe I wanted to be like you. Go home and get some sleep Sir because as for me? I am done selling you alcohol." The young man said and walked to the other end of the bar,

I couldn't feel more shame so I pay the other bartender and left. During the ride home, I kept thinking about what the young man said. I parked the car and headed to my room. When I opened the door, Heav was asleep. I took off my clothes and shower. After that I went to my bed, then move over to snuggle into Heaven.

"Please don't touch me" Heaven said just as I was about to spoon her.

"That was harsh."

"Don't feel no way just lay down and sleep, just don'" she said lying down with her eyes closed

"And why can't I touch you?"

"No reason Emmanuel just sleep."

"I come in the bed try to spoon,and the next thing I know you are telling me not to touch you....for no reason?"

"You know what i'll fix this" she got up out of the bed walk to the closet and come back out in her robe.

"Heaven where are you going?"

"To my house."

Oh hell you aren't. This most be her pregnant hormones kicking. As she open the door, I walk to it and close it.

"Emmanuel can you please move from the door?"

"Let me think about it for a minute.....No."

"What is wrong with you? Move." that is when I realize she was crying

I left her up and walk back to the bed. This is hurting me, the last thing I need is to make Heaven cry. I love her so much.

"Manuel just let me go please."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Why are you acting like you are not mad at me?"

"Because I am not mad at you."

"Then why are you avoiding me? I hardly see you, when I call you you don't even answer'"

"Babe it's not like that."

"Well then babe what is it like?"

At this point not telling her what's going on is not the best move. I am just going to tell her and get it off my chest. I love her too much to lose her again.

"I've been thinking a lot about Theresa. Our last moments where during her pregnancy with Ish and Trish and she just died because of some stupid pregnancy complication and I just can't imagine living my life without you. I don't want to go through that and I so so so so don't want Neve to go through that again. I don't know if she could survive this one. I am sorry i've been avoiding you, will you forgive me?"

She wipe my tears, I didn't even know was running. Then she pressed her lips to mines. We parted and she rest her forehead on mines.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry you felt that way it's going to be alright, we going to be okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

she started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"She's kicking!"

"That reminds me..I want to ask you a question?"

"Ask me"

"Will you marry me?"

I had the ring and everything. I bought it while Julianne was here, because I knew Heaven was the one and I so wasn't going to stay with that God forshaken woman.

"Oh My God! Manuel did you just ask me to marry you?"

"A matter of fact yes I-"

"Yes! I will marry you!"

She started placing kisses all over my face. Damn! she is really HAPPY. Wait until she sees the ring. I got up and moved to my nightstand to retrieve the ring.

"Babe why we moving?"

"Don't you want the ring?"

"You got a ring!?"

"Why do you think so small of me woman?"

"I don't but I just didn't expected this.Did you plan this?"

"I did plan to propose but more.......romantic."

"This is romantic enough for me. I love so much." she kissed me.

I open the draw and retrieve the square lilac box amd took out the ring. I took her ring finger and placed the ring on it.

"It's so beautiful and....big."

"You like it?"

"Yes I love it!"

"And I love you Mrs. Heaven Niaomi Reign Prestly to be."

"I Love you right back."

We went back to the bed. I woke up to her kissing me. Oh how much I love this woman. my woman.

"Wake up. you have to go to work B."

"I own the law firm, I can go when I want."

she kept smiling like crazy, I'm curious to why.

"Why are you smiling so much?"

"It is the first time you called me Niaomi and then it got me thinking about a friend I use to work with back in New York with the same middle name."

"Okay. tell me about her"

she frown then said "Seriously?"

"Yes tell me."

"Here name is Detective Eve Jaycy Niaomi Harmony. She is a war lord. She is like my best friend at work, she don't play alright. She was with Mr. Hotshot Malikai Clancy, they use to make a great couple and partner but then he dumped her and she moved to Italy I miss her so much."

"We should invite her to the wedding and the baby shower."

"I am not having a baby shower"

"Very funny! when you are going to tell your children that let me know. I'd like to be there and after all the hard work they putting into this I don't think they ever going to talk to you after that."

"How come I didn't know that?"

"Because it is suppose to be a secret so keep it that way." with that I walk to the bathroom and close the door. I'm getting ready for work and I feel much better about this Theresa situation now.

Please remember to VoTe♤FoLLoW♧CoMMeNt♢

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