billie bossa nova

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A/n: I recommend that you listen to the song as you read ❤️ NSFW

Love when it comes without a warnin'
'Cause waitin' for it gets so borin'

"Enjoy your stay." The man said handing me the room key. I flashed him a smile as I turned to walk to the elevator. My phone buzzed in my back pocket. Ignoring it I hit floor 10. I ran my hands through my hair and fixed my outfit.

A lot can change in twenty seconds
A lot can happen in the dark

My phone buzzed again. I smirked at Billies name.
Billie: saw you're back in LA?
Wanna have some fun?
"Meet me at the hotel on fifth street. Room 1004." I sent back as I exited the elevator.

Love when it makes you lose your bearings
Some information's not for sharing
Use different names at hotel check-ins
It's hard to stop it once it starts
It starts

Thirty minutes went by. There was a soft knock on the door. Billie stood there with her hands in her pockets. I pulled her in. She smiled and mumbled something. "Hi." I said pressing a kiss to her lips. She melted as I pushed her towards the bed.

"What name did you use this time?" She asked. "Why does it matter?" I asked. "No one saw you with me." I said brushing her newly blonde hair behind her ear. "Just want to know what I should call you." She hummed. I kissed her again. "Whatever you want."

She pulled me onto the bed.

I'm not sentimental
But there's somethin' 'bout the way you look tonight, mm
Makes me wanna take a picture
Make a movie with you that we'd have to hide.

I pulled away from her again. "I missed you." She whispered running her hands up and down my arms. I closed my eyes at the feeling.
"Did you dress up for me?" She whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spin.
I looked at her and she parted her lips. "You look so hot." She practically moaned. "Says you." I said pushing down and hovering over her.

You better lock your phone
And look at me when you're alone
Won't take a lot to get you goin'
I'm sorry if it's torture though
I know, I know

Her arms wrapped around my neck. She pulled my face down to hers. I kissed her lips. My hands ran over her body. She sighed into the kiss. I took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Her fingers found my hair and she tugged lightly. I let out a soft moan. "I missed you." I whispered.

It might be more of an obsession
You really make a strong impression
Nobody saw me in the lobby (saw me in the lobby)
Nobody saw me in your arms, mm

"Shame we have to hide" she said. "You know why." I said. "Imagine us in public right now." I said. "Hmm." She hummed. "Would be kinda hot." She said flipping us over so she hovered over me. "Hmm. I prefer this angle." She said pulling out her phone. I rolled my eyes. "You do this everytime" I said. "You won't let me record...." she said trailing off.

I grabbed her shirt to pulled her back to my lips.

I'm not sentimental
But there's somethin' 'bout the way you look tonight
('Bout the way you look tonight) mm
Makes me wanna make 'em jealous
I'm the only one who does it how you like
(Only one who does it how you)

I lifted up her shirt. She slipped it off. "You're so beautiful." I said. She pulled off my shirt. "You really know how to get me going. Don't you?" She whispered kissing my neck.
"You're the one to talk." I sighed as she made her way to my breasts.

Her phone flashed again. "Oh come on."
I laughed. I took her phone from her hands and placed it on the bed. "Be in the moment." I said. I flipped us back over and kissed down her body.

She sighed and moaned. I slipped off her pants. I looked back up at her as I slipped my hand in her panties.

I'm sorry if it's torture though (torture though)
I know, I know
You better lock your door
And look at me a little more

She whimpered as I lightly pressed my thumb to her heat. Her lips looked even more inviting. I pressed my thumb to her clit as my lips met hers. She moaned. I smirked as my lips kissed down her body.

"I swear you keep getting better. You've been practicing?" She said. I laughed. "No. It's just been way to long." I said. I pulled away and she groaned. "Still like to tease." She said.

She rolled us over. "Wait. Stop." I said as we rolled us off the bed. She laughed as I moved so I back over her. "Oops." She said looking at me fondly. I reached under her to unclip her bra. "Uh huh." She said.

"Just fuck me." She said. "Patience." I said tracing patterns her inner thigh. "I've been patient enough." She said bucking her hips. "Fine." I said. I kissed down her body. I slipped off her panties and threw them behind us. She smirked. "Good girl." She said. I rolled my thumb over her clit. "Careful. Next time I'll bring presents." I said. Her eyes flashed. "Should of brought them tonight." She said. "You would of loved that huh?" I said lowering myself to her heat. She moaned as my tongue flicked at her entrance.

Her eyes closed as she gave into the pleasure.

We both know I'm worth waitin' for (waitin' for)
That heavy breathin' on the floor (on the floor)
I'm yours, I'm yours (I'm yours)

I knew she wasn't going to last long this round. "Fuck. I missed you." She said looking down at me. I hummed as she cried out at the sensation. I sucked on her clit as she screwed her eyes shut. "Fuck." She panted. I pulled away and she smiled up at me. "You know that I'm only yours right?" She asked. I kissed her softly. "I'm yours." I said. She kissed me roughly. "My turn." She whispered kissing my neck." Nights like these don't seem to last long enough. 

A/n: which song should I do next?

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