worst fear

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A/n: really fluffy.
The fact you talked Billie into camping with you was a miracle.
"It will be fine. My friends will be staying at the next camp. It's on private property." I said. She sighed. "Fine. You have to come to the events next month." She said. I looked to the ground. "Okay. It's gonna be worth it." I smiled. She smiled back.

**end of flashback**
"How much further?" Billie said. "It's around the curve." I said adjusting my pack. I heard Billie gasp at the view. "Wow." She breathed. I smiled at her. "I told you." I said sitting my book bag down and sat on a log. She followed my movements. "Wow." She breathed again. I pulled her into my side. "Only thing prettier than this is you." I whispered. She rolled her eyes. "Stop being cheesy." She said pushing me slightly. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Okay. Let me get started on the tent." I said. "And I'll enjoy the view." Billie muttered. I smiled and walked back to bag pulling out the tent bag from it.

I spent a good five minutes organizing the pieces before putting it together. I heard Billie giggle as I dropped on of the poles. I looked at her. She had turned her whole body to face mine. "What's so funny?" I asked knocking the end into the ground. "Nothing." She said. I raised my eyebrow.

After I finished the tent I began getting things ready for the fire. "You know. The view is that way." I said pointing to the sunset." She shook her head. "This is a much better view." She said. I chuckled. I got the logs situated and walked back to her. "You know you're kinda hot doing all that." She whispered. "Hmm." I hummed. She placed her hand on my thigh as we looked at the sunset.

I sat roasting a marshmallow. Billie was wrapped in a blanket. "This is kinda spooky." Billie said. "What?" I asked. "Being out here in the dark." She said. I smiled. "I promise we will be okay." I said. "You'll protect me?" She asked. "Yes." I said. I assembled a s'more and handed it to her. "Yum." She said. I smiled and pulled her into me.

"I camped in a random mountain back home. No campground. Just me, a friend, a tent, and a small fire." I said. "That's how you get murdered." Billie said. "But i didn't. Did I?" I said. "But you could of. That's the point." She said munching on her s'more. "We still have cell service." I said. "We will be okay." She finished her s'more and looked up at me. "It is pretty." She said looking at the stars. I nodded. "You don't see much of these in LA." I said.

She let out a yawn. "You tired?" I asked. She nodded. "I didn't sleep that much last night." She whispered. "Come." I said leading her to the tent. I took my shoes off and climbed in. She followed suit. "How are we suppose to cuddle?" She frowned. I smiled. I unzipped her bag and mine and laid one down and laid the other on top. "Come." I said. She laid down and fixed her blanket. I placed the sleeping back over us and she found her way to my chest. "Better?" I asked. She nodded

Silence fell over us. There was a slight breeze and bugs buzzing filled the chilly air. "If you could go anywhere, where would you go?" I whispered. "Hmm. At this moment? My bed." She chucked. I smiled. "What about you?" She asked. "Hmm. I'm happy anywhere, as long as you're with me." She sighed. "Stop being like that." She said. I hummed. "If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?" She asked. "Hmm. Probably go on tour with you." I said. "You?" I asked. "I don't want to answer." She said raising her head up. "Because I can do it now." She said. I looked at her in the dimly lit tent. She leaned in closer and I connected our lips together. I pulled away. "Oh." I whispered. "who's being cheesy now?" I asked. "I love you." She whispered. I brushed her cheek. "I love you too." I whispered. She kissed me softly again.

"What's your worst fear?" I asked. She sighed. "A lot. But one that's worse than the others is loosing you. Because I don't think I will ever be this loved or I will ever be this happy with someone else." She whispered. "Yours?" She asked running her fingers through my hair. "You leaving me." I whispered. "Because I will never be able to leave you and if you were to leave me, I think I would die." I said. Her lips brushed against mine again. "Good thing I'm never leaving." She whispered.

"You promise?" I whispered. "I promise." She said snuggling closer. I ran my hands up and and down her back. "What's your favorite thing about me?" She asked softly. "You want a serious answer or a not so serious?" I asked. "Both." She said. "Well. I love that you care for others around you but you still stick up for your wants." I said. "And your tits are wonderful." She chuckled. "My tits?" She laughed. "Mhmm. There actually quite a lot I love." I said. She looked at me. "Well I've never seen your but- I do love your smile and the way you're eyes light up when you see me." She said. I smiled. "It would be impossible not to."

She sat all the way up. "Show me." She said. "What?" I asked her. "Your tits." "Oh my god." I laughed. "Do not say tits again." "Fine. Show me." She said. I couldn't help but laugh. "It's cold. I don't want my nipples to fall off." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Well." She said laying down. "I'll just have to go under." She said rooting up my shirt. She let out a sigh. "You have too many layers." She sighed. I sat up.

She leaned back on her heels. I lifted up my sweatshirt quickly before laying down. "Wait. what!" Billie said. "That's dirty." She said with a small laugh. "You didn't say how long." I said smirking. She rolled her eyes. I felt her hands under my shirt. I jumped slightly. "Why are your hands so cold." I mumbled. "Cause it's cold." She whispered. Her hands stomped above my belly button. I felt her hesitate and she started to pull away. I grabbed her face and kissed her softly. Her hands started to inch back up. "You're wearing a bra. This is harder." She said against my lips. "You're so cute." I laughed I guided her hands to my back.

"You cold just take your clothes off." She said. I laughed. "Are you commanding me or giving me a suggestion." I inquired. She dropped her hands. I watched her get more flustered. "It's okay love. Maybe tomorrow when we are in your bed." I said rubbing her cheek. She chuckled and laid back down. "It's a good thing you're cute." She said laying her head on my chest. "And it's a good thing you're adorable." I whispered.

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