enemies or lovers

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a/n: T.W. heavy drug use
We know the story of the new girl at school. The boring, overdone, same-old struggle the main character faces. the same old situation- how awful her home situation is. how she doesn't want to leave her old school because her parents are divorced or there was some super awkward situation that happened.

But my story is different. Imagine just moving schools because your life is so boring your parents decide to move to "just switch it up."

however I hated the idea. having to start over and try and make new friends? no thanks. however my younger sister was like the other main characters. her school career was torturous. Being a victim of bullying and everyone telling her to "ignore it". I am happy for her. but im gonna struggle. but i would do anything for my sister.

It's not like i had a lot of friends at my old school. I got along with almost everyone and hung out with a lot of people but no one was really close to me. i don't think any of them know my middle name let alone my favorite color. to their defense, it's not like i want anyone to know that stuff.  but i know theirs.

There was Bailey, who tried so hard to look straight but her awkwardness was too revealing. shes friend with Janie who was a qualified stoner. Janie is  dating Axel who moved to the us from mexico and was probably my favorite. His parents didn't make it across and he was taken in by aunts and uncles. He would be a much better candidate for main character.

My younger sister, Roni is  the coolest person i know. Her best friend moved after her sixth grade year and she's been alone since. She had people who tried to include her but those groups always ended in drama. I think she tries to hard but how can you say that without hurting someone.

When i first started at school it was strange. People wanted to know about me instantly but i was hesitant.

however only two stayed. "we should go get pizza after school." said jess. "hmm. i don't know. i kinda just wanna get smacked." said morgan. "What about you riley?" asked Jess? "are you coming with us to the party?"

"Oh shoot i forgot to ask. hold on." i said sending a text to my mom. Just then i felt somone sit next to me. "so!" i heard her say. i rolled my eyes. "what?" i scoffed. "You coming to Maddys?" i heard. I looked up at her.

"why do you need to know, billie?" i asked. she smiled. "to make sure everyone is warned that you and your weird group is coming." she said. "hmm. or is it so you can make sure you wear something to make me fall in love with you?" i asked standing up. she rolled her eyes. "but i'll see you tonight." i winked. "don't try so hard."
i walked away.

"so are you in the clear?" asked Morgan. "yeah. yeah. i'll just need to crash at your house." i said. "i'll cover for you." she said. I smiled. "hey riles!" a girl said. "hi." i said walking by. "who was that?" asked Jess. "no idea." i shrugged.

"how does everyone know you? you never talk to anyone?" asked jess. "it's cause she's hot." said morgan. "i'm hot. how come no one's is in love with me?" jess said dramatically. Morgan rolled her eyes. "Trevor is. you're just annoying." Morgan said.

I pretended to listen. in all fairness i really didn't care about the topic. Billie walked by and i watched her disappear into the bathroom. "anyways. you two meet me at my house at 7!" said Morgan.

"You've been here for almost six months. How many people have you hooked up with?" asked Morgan. "i don't know." i said brushing my hair out. "Someone has to be the slut of the group." said Jess. I laughed. "I think you're a badass." Said Morgan. "you think Billie is going to actually show up tonight?" asked Jess.

i rolled my eyes. "i don't think i'll notice either way." i said. Morgan laughed. "she's obsessed with you." she said. "like everyone else." said Jess. i shrugged. "okay. hurry up and get dressed. I want to run by marcos to get some drinks." said

I grabbed the first bottle of whatever and poured it in a cup. "hey riley!" i heard someone slur. "Hi." i said turning away and walking outside. the early summer night wrapped it's warm and humid arms around me. I sipped my drink and slightly cringed.

"Look who's here." said billie. I sighed. "Evening Billie." i said as she walked over to me. "surprise you don't have your tongue down someone throat yet." she said. "the night is still young!" i smiled. in the dim light i saw her looked down and back up. she frowned and sighed.

i took another sip of my drink and looked around. "well see you, darling." i said walking away. there was a group of people around a fire pit. i started to walk towards it. "hey riley!" the group called. "sup." i said taking an empty seat.

i pulled out a pack a cigarettes except it was a few joints. "here." a guy said to my left. i took his lighter. i inhaled and slumped down in my chair, staring at the sky.

I let the chatter around me take me away to a different world. I puffed my  joint every few minutes.

"Riles?" i heard. "huh?" i asked. Marco stood in my vision. "Hey." i said. he laughed. "come with me." he said. i followed him. "here. i got you some since you helped me with that thing." he whispered. he handed me a bag of pills. "look. it's lowkey. it's just like weed just it doesn't smell." he said. i laughed. "you just know i'm good business." i said. he shrugged. "i like you. you're chill." he said.

"Thanks." i said pocketing the bag. i put out my joint and wandered back inside. i saw billie in the corner of the kitchen when i walked in. i filled my cup back up but topped it with coke or was this gatorade. i shrugged and took a sip. "yo! i think i'm going to karl's tonight." Morgan yelled.

"okay. i'll be somewhere. just text me tomorrow morning." "this shit is mad dumb. have you seen marco?" asked Jess.  "outside." i said. "Hey! you two text me tomorrow morning!" she said. they both walked away and i heard Billie laughing behind me. "what?" i asked. she shrugged. "you and your friends. the whole exchange just now was strange." she said. i looked at her confused. "you try to insult me with the strangest things."
i said. she stood next to me. i looked over at her. "You better go on. someone might get the wrong idea." i said. "take a shot with me." she said grabbing a plastic shot cup. i laughed. "seriously. or you a pussy?" she said.

i turned my body. i cheered and threw it back. she cringed. "that's not what i thought i grabbed." she said. "hmm." i said pouring another. "take another. or you a pussy?" i said. she turned her body towards me. she took it and i took mine. i sipped my drink again. "take another." she said only pouring me one. "you too." i said pouring some in her cup. she rolled her eyes.

i finished my cup and threw it in the trash. "bye billie." i said. I walked to the bathroom and stood in the mirror. i looked at myself. the door opened and billie walked in and closed it. she looked at me. i turned around. she walked over to me.

Before i knew it her hands found my face and her lips were on mine. I pulled away and she scrambled away. "i-" she stopped. i approached her and kissed her passionately. the kiss got heated quickly. She pulled away and laughed. "i was waiting for you to make a move." i sighed. "you're an asshole. you could of." she said. "nah. i wanted to wait for you." i said.

"just shut up and kiss me." she said. i smirked and leaned in.

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