surprise party

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A/n: this was a fever dream tbh and not at all cohesive. But basically Billie throws a surprise party for you and ends with you confessing your love :)) lol

Billies pov
"I am throwing a surprise party for y/n. Will you please help me plan?" I asked. My best friend is turning 20 and I want to make sure it's everything she deserves. "I mean... we broke up." Said, who I thought was her girlfriend but now I guess, her ex girlfriend. I frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. When did this happen?" I asked. "About like, 30 minutes ago." She shrugged. I felt my phone buzz. "Well I'm sorry. I have to go. See you around." I said standing up and walking to my car. I let out a sigh. Guess I'm gonna have to do it all by myself.

A week past and tommorrow was the surprise party. I rented out an arcade. I had the idea to go to the arcade as a joke but y/n really seemed excited soooo. She doesn't know that all of her friends are going to be there.

I laid in bed trying to fall asleep. I heard my phone chime.
Y/n: are you asleep?
me: no.
Y/n: cool. Come open your front door. It's cold."
I locked my phone and tip toed to the door. "Hi." I whispered. She slipped in and made a beeline to my room. I locked the door confused and followed.

"Whats up?" I asked. "I was bored and wanted to come see you." She said taking off her shoes and sweatshirt. I smiled. "Oh. Well it's almost 12 am." I said. "I know." I pulled a blanket out for her to use. "Well you have a long day of me whipping your butt tomorrow. You better rest up and prepare to loose." I said turning my light off. "Oh sure. It's my birthday. You can't just let me win?" She said getting comfortable. "I don't know. Maybe." I said laying down and rolling to face her. "Okay. Goodnight." I said. "Mhmm night."

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I sat up and grabbed my phone. It was 12 pm. I groaned and walked to the bathroom. I was about to pull my shirt off when y/n poked her head in. "Jesus! You scared me." I said. She smiled. "Lol. Anyways. What time do I need to meet you at the arcade?" She asked. "Um around 5?" I said. She nodded. "Oh!" I said walking over to her. "Happy birthday!!!" I screamed as my arms squeezed her tightly. "Thanks." She laughed hugging me tightly. "Okay enjoy your day. I'll see you later!" I smiled. She nodded and walked away. I closed the door and got in the shower.

I got out of my car and saw everyone waiting by the door. "We have 30 minutes." I said. "Easy." Said another one of her friends. "She might hate us after this but like, hey!" She said. I smiled. "She deserves to feel special." I said. "You like her." She said. I looked at her confused. "Sorry?" I asked. She smiled. "Sorry. I just- you know she's single right?" She asked. "I mean yeah." I said sitting out plates and cups. "So maybe you should make a move." She said walking away. I sighed and went to the bathroom. My mind was swirling. "Was i being way too obvious." I thought. I stared at myself in the mirror. I fixed my outfit and hair and put on a small amount of chapstick on. I sighed as I felt my phone buzz.

Y/n: are you here? They look closed.
Me: yeah. I'm on my way out.

I exited the bathroom. "She's here." I called. Everyone hushed and I went outside. "Are we the only ones here?" She laughed. "No. There are a few people here. They parked in the shade." I said. She nodded. "You look so pretty!" I said. "Thanks." She said. I followed her to the door. "I've actually been meaning to talk to you-" "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled. She jumped a little and looked at me. I smiled at her as she turned back to the crowd. "What?! This is hilarious." She said. "Aw you guys." She smiled. "Who's idea was this?" She asked as music starting to play. "Billies!" Said one of her friends. "Of course." She said smiling at me. She turned back to her friends. I walked to the drink table and got some drink.

"So are we gonna play those games?" Y/n asked. "You sure you're ready to loose?" I asked. She scoffed. "You wish." She smiled. "Alright you pick first." I said. I followed her lead. "Skee ball." She said. I handed her a coin and she started. She hit a few 500s but then managed to only get some 50s.

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